mmsys.cpl not saving changes when launced


New member
Aug 23, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi I'm trying to make a program to disable all windows 7 sounds. I can disable all the sounds via the registry except the start up sound as the settings for that are in hkey local machine and it won't let me change them. To disable this I have tried launching mmsys.cpl (multimedia settings control panel) then using api to press the buttons but it doesn't save the checkbox state. The api isn't the problem, I've tried just launching the multimedia settings from vb and pressing the buttons manually and it still doesn't save the checkbox state for (play windows startup sound) . I've also tried using vb to launch the mmsys.cpl from a bat file which results in the same problem. But If i manually click the bat file it works fine via manually pressing the checkbox and applying or via api. It's like when I launch it via vb it's some virtual version of the mmsys.cpl that has no effect on the state of the checkbox.

Process.Start("control", "mmsys.cpl,,2")

Any help would be much appreciated, and if anyone knows any other way of disabling the startup sound I'd be very greatfull. Thanks