mdiparent menu disable

Oct 29, 2004
Programming Experience
Hi all --

I have started writing an app that requires login and was wondering if there's anyway to disable the mdi parent form's menu until login has been successfully completed. I've tried setting the form.enabled = false, but that also disables my login child form.

Any suggestions/workarounds are welcome.

complex solution: neal's suggestion of makeing it modal

simple solution: change all the menu item's enabled properties to false until login is sucessful (allow the exit button of course)


simple solution: dont have the login form be an mdi child form. you can have multiple mdi forms (windows) open @ once as well as non-mdi forms. shyt you can have multiple mdi parent forms with their multiple child windows open @ once.
JuggaloBrotha said:

simple solution: dont have the login form be an mdi child form. you can have multiple mdi forms (windows) open @ once as well as non-mdi forms. shyt you can have multiple mdi parent forms with their multiple child windows open @ once.
LOL, aka - Neal's solution, back to the first point! :)
Problem solved

Hi all --

Thanks for all the suggestions. In case anyone else runs into the same problem, I using the following code in the main form's Load....

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'this code disables any action until the Login form is 'completed'
Dim x As New Login
'just a quick example of how to disable a menu item as suggested in a previous post
If Not isAdmin Then
Me.miMachines.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Thanks again!


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