Question looking visual basic 2008 loan calculation code


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Programming Experience
Friends can you help me to develop visual basic 2008 software code that will calculate a loan repayment, from this question.
A company will provide a loan of money to individual members of the public there are two types of loan to be offered, secured and unsecured. the rate of interest can vary on all loans throughout the period of repayment however all rates are computed from a monthly base rate (B%).
secured loan
Y = The year number of the repayment. the monthly rate of interest is computed as 5*B/Y
Unsecured loan
the monthly rate does not decrease with time it is always 6*B
produce database with three tables using MS. types of loan, customer details and loan account the database will be served by a number of user interfaces these will include, registering new customer, maintaining customer details ,types of loan and entering payments
Sure we can. Just let us know what you've tried so far and where you're stuck and we can help you. If you haven't tried anything at all then it's a bit premature to ask for help. If you're not sure where to start, you should probably be reviewing your class notes or text book because you're unlikely to have been given an assignment containing concepts that have not already been covered.