Looking for VB.NET (2005) programmer with following skills


New member
Nov 25, 2007
Programming Experience
I'm looking for one or more people fluent with VB.NET that can do one or more of the following:
  • Develop an application with plug-in support. (i.e., various aspects and features can be added to the main application via third-party plug-ins)
  • Develop V.O.I.P. with good compression vs high sound quality
  • Develop an efficient network frame for the software to use
  • Develop secure authentication
  • Develop a server application capable of efficiently handling 100 or more simultaneous connections sending relatively high volume of data between them
  • Develop a "drawing pad" of sorts

Before applying, note that this is not a paid position or permanent job offer. You would not be expected to work daily or invest more than one to two hours per day. You're expected to work on this in your off-time as though it is a hobby. I do not expect immediate results. It would be acceptable to just provide help while I continue to work on it alone. I do not believe I have the skills required to complete the en devour on my own, and thus am asking for help. Even if you accept such a position, you have no obligation to see it through and are free to stop working on it at any time.

Do note, if you do accept to work on this, anything you develop for the application is not yours. It will belong to me. You will receive credit for anything and everything you contribute, even if you stop work prematurely but will have no legal right to the work contributed.

If you're still interested at this point or have any questions, you can contact me via e-mail: uk@imawesome.org