Local App Remote Database


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2006
Programming Experience
Local vb.net application connects to a online (probably access database) is this likely going to work if yes, is there any chance someone can advise me, is it just a matter of changing the map path element on the connection coding thanks in advance
An ADO.NET connection is an ADO.NET connection. You use the connection string to set the connection aparameters and ADO.NET does the rest. www.connectionstrings.com has the appropriate format for all manner of data source.
You would probably not connect to online MSAccess database from a desktop client, because the whole file must be loaded before accessing it. MSAccess is normally only used locally at webserver (server-side) through a web application, or locally at desktop (client-side) directly from client application. Proper database servers like SQL/Oracle/MySQL servers that can be accessed as remote services and queried for specific data is how database work is performed between network endpoints. The main difference to behold is File-based vs Service-based databases.
yes i agree iam in the process of using mysql however im not ab le to connect via the connection wizard! long