Hi there,
I am new to the forums and wondering if anyone has had a similar issue. I have been programming with VB.Net for a few years however always with the original 1.0 and just diving into the new 3.5. Anyway, Here are the details:
I am working with Visual Studio 2008
I set up an original connection to my SQL Server Db, and when I did creating datasets etc, never caused an issue. However once I wanted to change to a connection that would allow me to deploy this app anywhere on the network, when I add new datasets, it recreates the old local connection string and references it, so that throughout the app, its using "constring1" instead of "constring"
Here is my cross network "constring":
Data Source=;Initial Catalog="** **";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=****;Password=****;Network Library=dbmssocn
Here is what it keeps changing back to:
Data Source=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog="** **";Integrated Security=True
Now just in case it helps, my SQL Server is running on the computer I am developing on. And the IP address that would be in place of is the ip address of the development computer.
Thank you everyone and hope I described it well enough!
Ellis Fab
I am new to the forums and wondering if anyone has had a similar issue. I have been programming with VB.Net for a few years however always with the original 1.0 and just diving into the new 3.5. Anyway, Here are the details:
I am working with Visual Studio 2008
I set up an original connection to my SQL Server Db, and when I did creating datasets etc, never caused an issue. However once I wanted to change to a connection that would allow me to deploy this app anywhere on the network, when I add new datasets, it recreates the old local connection string and references it, so that throughout the app, its using "constring1" instead of "constring"
Here is my cross network "constring":
Data Source=;Initial Catalog="** **";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=****;Password=****;Network Library=dbmssocn
Here is what it keeps changing back to:
Data Source=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog="** **";Integrated Security=True
Now just in case it helps, my SQL Server is running on the computer I am developing on. And the IP address that would be in place of is the ip address of the development computer.
Thank you everyone and hope I described it well enough!
Ellis Fab