Introducing aspNetEmail 3.0. We've been hard at work updating aspNetEmail. The number 1 SMTP email component for .NET has just gotten better.
A complete feature list can be found here:
You can download an evaluation copy here:
On to the new and improved features:
Built In Calendaring (iCal/vCal) Support
Now you can create and send calendar appointments. Programmatically create and control calendar objects based on the vCal and iCal specification.
Automatically create and send Appointments
Create appointments and calendar events.
Create appointments in the vCal (iCalendar 1.0 ) Specification format
Create appointments based upon the iCalendar 1.0 specification. This is also referred to as a vCal. More information on vCals can be found at
Create appointments in the iCal (iCalendar 2.0 ) Specification format
Create appointments based upon the iCalendar 2.0 specification. This is also referred to as an iCal. The iCal specification consists of 3 RFCs. They are:
RFC 2445, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
RFC 2446, iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP): Scheduling Events, BusyTime, To-dos and Journal Entries
RFC 2447, iCalendar Message-based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP)
Control and set how Appointments Recur
Create recurring events, tasks, or appointments based upon any time variable.
Control each Attendee’s properties
Control specific Attendee properties such as name, email address, role, and participation.
Control the Appointment’s unique properties
Control the events various properties, including description, summary, location, organizer, Time Zone, and other various properties.
Built In vCard Support
With aspNetEmail you can now create electronic business cards, called vCards.
Automatically create vCard (electronic business card) entities.
Using the built in vCard support control the following properties:
Delivery Addresses
Email Addresses
Geographic Position
Business Logo
Various Name values
Formatted/Display Name
Miscellaneous Notes
Business Roles
Telephone Numbers
Time Zone properties
Custom Properties
Built In HTML/ASP.NET Server Form Processing
aspNetEmail can now send email using a declarative server control. No programming is needed. You can create and automate email templates, simply by creating the necessary Server Control.
Automatically convert ASP.NET Forms to DataTables for easy mail merges
aspNetEmail can automatically convert webforms to a DataTable for easy and powerful mail merge capabilities.
Automatically send templated emails based upon data from web forms
Create files to be used as email templates for both the plain text, and html formatted parts.
Create an Email Template against ASP.NET Server Controls
Use the web form’s ASP.NET Server control’s names to use as place holders in your template.
Create an Email Template against HTML Form Values
Use the html form’s control’s names to use as place holders in your template.
Create an Email Template against QueryString Values
Use QueryString names and values to use as place holders in your template.
Automatically email uploaded attachments -- without saving them to a directory
Use aspNetEmail to create attachments in memory, without requiring write permissions, to send attachments in an email.
Automatically zip/compress and email uploaded attachments.
Automatically compress email attachments to save on bandwidth, and increase sending speeds.
Optionally, automatically save uploaded attachments to the file system
Set an additional option, to save uploaded attachments to the file system for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to an Xml formatted file.
Automatically save submitted webform results to an Xml file for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to a plain text formatted file
Automatically save submitted webform results to a plain text file for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to a HTML formatted file.
Automatically save submitted webform results to a HTML text file for later analysis.
Automatically email webform results, as plain text, without any template
Email the results of a submitted webform, as plain text, for quick and easy to read informational purposes.
Automatically email webform results, as HTML, without any template.
Email the results of a submitted webform, as in HTML format, for quick and easy to read informational purposes.
Capture and email rendered Html forms.
Capture the same HTML rendered to the browser, and send it as an email.
Automatically include other log information in the email.
Include the User Identity
Include extra HTTP Request details
Include all Request.Form details.
Include all Request.QueryString details.
Include all Request.ServerVariable details
Include all Request.Cookie details.
Add custom headers and footers to the templated emails.
Inject both header and footer text into an email message, simply by setting some file system paths.
Web Page Utilities and Embedding Images
Download and populate EmailMessage body content from Password Protected sites
Specify a username and password to use as credentials for download protected content.
Download and EmbedImages from Password Protected sites
Specify a username and password to use as credentials for download protected images.
Convert Linked style sheets to embedded style tags
Some email clients remove or block linked style sheets. Now you can automatically embed them.
More Embedding Image Options
Even more power on how you want to embed images in your email message.
Embed by Content Id
Embed by ContentLocation
Do not Embed Images
Convert all relative image src values to absolute values
More Control over loading Email Message content from Web Pages
Control and remove content to make it more email client friendly.
Automatically remove Javascript
Automatically remove Applets
Automatically remove Embedded Objects
Automatically remove IFrames
Automatically remove FrameSet tags
Automatically remove NoFrames tags
Automatically remove bloated ViewState values
Automatically convert all non-ascii to it’s Html Numbered Code
Automatically convert all non-ascii to it’s Html Named Code
Automatically follow any HTTP Redirects
Automatically follow any MetaTag Redirects
Control the HTTP Referrer property for downloaded content
Automatically set the Html BASE tag for relative urls
Control the HTTP User-Agent string
Automatically determine the correct Url Content base
Automatically extract the Html Title of a page for use in Email Tracking and Subjects
Automatically extract any META tag values for Email Tracking and Subjects
Check to see if a HTTP resource is alive before attempting to download it
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML Document
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML Binary Document
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML File
Automatically convert web pages to EmailMessage body parts
Control the characterset or encoding used to access web pages.
A complete feature list can be found here:
You can download an evaluation copy here:
On to the new and improved features:
Built In Calendaring (iCal/vCal) Support
Now you can create and send calendar appointments. Programmatically create and control calendar objects based on the vCal and iCal specification.
Automatically create and send Appointments
Create appointments and calendar events.
Create appointments in the vCal (iCalendar 1.0 ) Specification format
Create appointments based upon the iCalendar 1.0 specification. This is also referred to as a vCal. More information on vCals can be found at
Create appointments in the iCal (iCalendar 2.0 ) Specification format
Create appointments based upon the iCalendar 2.0 specification. This is also referred to as an iCal. The iCal specification consists of 3 RFCs. They are:
RFC 2445, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
RFC 2446, iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP): Scheduling Events, BusyTime, To-dos and Journal Entries
RFC 2447, iCalendar Message-based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP)
Control and set how Appointments Recur
Create recurring events, tasks, or appointments based upon any time variable.
Control each Attendee’s properties
Control specific Attendee properties such as name, email address, role, and participation.
Control the Appointment’s unique properties
Control the events various properties, including description, summary, location, organizer, Time Zone, and other various properties.
Built In vCard Support
With aspNetEmail you can now create electronic business cards, called vCards.
Automatically create vCard (electronic business card) entities.
Using the built in vCard support control the following properties:
Delivery Addresses
Email Addresses
Geographic Position
Business Logo
Various Name values
Formatted/Display Name
Miscellaneous Notes
Business Roles
Telephone Numbers
Time Zone properties
Custom Properties
Built In HTML/ASP.NET Server Form Processing
aspNetEmail can now send email using a declarative server control. No programming is needed. You can create and automate email templates, simply by creating the necessary Server Control.
Automatically convert ASP.NET Forms to DataTables for easy mail merges
aspNetEmail can automatically convert webforms to a DataTable for easy and powerful mail merge capabilities.
Automatically send templated emails based upon data from web forms
Create files to be used as email templates for both the plain text, and html formatted parts.
Create an Email Template against ASP.NET Server Controls
Use the web form’s ASP.NET Server control’s names to use as place holders in your template.
Create an Email Template against HTML Form Values
Use the html form’s control’s names to use as place holders in your template.
Create an Email Template against QueryString Values
Use QueryString names and values to use as place holders in your template.
Automatically email uploaded attachments -- without saving them to a directory
Use aspNetEmail to create attachments in memory, without requiring write permissions, to send attachments in an email.
Automatically zip/compress and email uploaded attachments.
Automatically compress email attachments to save on bandwidth, and increase sending speeds.
Optionally, automatically save uploaded attachments to the file system
Set an additional option, to save uploaded attachments to the file system for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to an Xml formatted file.
Automatically save submitted webform results to an Xml file for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to a plain text formatted file
Automatically save submitted webform results to a plain text file for later analysis.
Automatically save webform results to a HTML formatted file.
Automatically save submitted webform results to a HTML text file for later analysis.
Automatically email webform results, as plain text, without any template
Email the results of a submitted webform, as plain text, for quick and easy to read informational purposes.
Automatically email webform results, as HTML, without any template.
Email the results of a submitted webform, as in HTML format, for quick and easy to read informational purposes.
Capture and email rendered Html forms.
Capture the same HTML rendered to the browser, and send it as an email.
Automatically include other log information in the email.
Include the User Identity
Include extra HTTP Request details
Include all Request.Form details.
Include all Request.QueryString details.
Include all Request.ServerVariable details
Include all Request.Cookie details.
Add custom headers and footers to the templated emails.
Inject both header and footer text into an email message, simply by setting some file system paths.
Web Page Utilities and Embedding Images
Download and populate EmailMessage body content from Password Protected sites
Specify a username and password to use as credentials for download protected content.
Download and EmbedImages from Password Protected sites
Specify a username and password to use as credentials for download protected images.
Convert Linked style sheets to embedded style tags
Some email clients remove or block linked style sheets. Now you can automatically embed them.
More Embedding Image Options
Even more power on how you want to embed images in your email message.
Embed by Content Id
Embed by ContentLocation
Do not Embed Images
Convert all relative image src values to absolute values
More Control over loading Email Message content from Web Pages
Control and remove content to make it more email client friendly.
Automatically remove Javascript
Automatically remove Applets
Automatically remove Embedded Objects
Automatically remove IFrames
Automatically remove FrameSet tags
Automatically remove NoFrames tags
Automatically remove bloated ViewState values
Automatically convert all non-ascii to it’s Html Numbered Code
Automatically convert all non-ascii to it’s Html Named Code
Automatically follow any HTTP Redirects
Automatically follow any MetaTag Redirects
Control the HTTP Referrer property for downloaded content
Automatically set the Html BASE tag for relative urls
Control the HTTP User-Agent string
Automatically determine the correct Url Content base
Automatically extract the Html Title of a page for use in Email Tracking and Subjects
Automatically extract any META tag values for Email Tracking and Subjects
Check to see if a HTTP resource is alive before attempting to download it
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML Document
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML Binary Document
Automatically convert HTTP Resources to a MHTML File
Automatically convert web pages to EmailMessage body parts
Control the characterset or encoding used to access web pages.