Interface Designing in


New member
Feb 14, 2006
Programming Experience
hi everybody,
i am new to and need your help if you free for help. i want to create a Interface like windows media player. i create some cool designs in photoshop. can it is possible to use that design in to create Interface? how?

pls help,

thanks for read me.

Welcome sudhir,

i know from experience that you won't get your every post answered, so here's this:
you could create lots of custom controls, for example, the buttons and such, then map the images to them, but that would take some experience in .net. If I were you, i'd do it in C++ or something else. GDI+ is pretty lousy when it comes to lots of painting.

you would then need some strong knowledge of WinAPI32. Without it, you're toast!
Oh, do you want to apply skins also?
The short answer to your question Sudhir is .. Yes You can design images in an editor like photoshop and apply them to your forms. Look up thge transparencykey property. You can make a color totally transparent with this and as long as that color doesn't appear in your image then all you will see is the image you created.

Originally Posted By: Tyonuts

GDI+ is pretty lousy when it comes to lots of painting.

I don't think GDI+ is lousy at all. You can do some really smart things if you know how to use it. As as for using C++, well GDI+ is a set of C++ classes.
I know that, vis781, but i meant to use something like DirectDraw. I once made an app with GDI+ that had to draw some gradients (5 or 6) and Task Manager told me that it was using 128MB RAM. Now that's smart:)
didn't know that, i use Linux most of the time.
VB is just for school contests. then, what can i use to determine that?
At this time there is no definate way to determine the exact amount of memory your app is currently using. This is due to the fact that just because objects have been disposed of and collected by the GC the CLR doesn't always release the memory until it's 'Ready' There is so far as i know, no way to force the CLR to do this. You can get an approxiamte reading by calling
