Info on Access Licence


New member
Feb 9, 2007
Programming Experience
Hello to everybody (I'm new here).

I would like to know some information about the Licence of Access db embedded in my VB.NET application.

My problem is: I've created e db file with access and I would like to use it in my gestional application (embedded database). Is it necessary to pay a licence to redistribuite this file (ONLY THE FILE) with my application?

Does someone know something about this situationa, or indicate me some link where I can found some information?


Thank you very much.

Is it necessary to pay a licence to redistribuite this file (ONLY THE FILE) with my application?

No. Access is a prog that edits MDB files
Your prog is a prog that edits MDB files
MDB files are data files used by Jet Engine
Access uses Jet Engine
Your Prog uses Jet Engine
Jet Engine comes with every Windows computer in the world
It is already licensed