Question imports dll


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
Programming Experience
I have a project in and a file wisaw.dll that was usefull in my old PC in 2010.
But now in visual basic 2022 i want to take this in the referenties but i could not imports that in the modules
Thanks for any response
i could not imports that in the modules

I have no idea what that means. Please explain EXACTLY what you did and EXACTLY what happened when you did it.

Also, where exactly did this library come from and how was it created? .NET applications can reference .NET assemblies and COM libraries only. If this library exports functions directly then you'll need to use platform invoke (Pinvoke) to call those functions.
The dll was made with the procedure Microsoft but the code was made by myself and it worked fine in my old computer.
Ik added it in a project with the button in that project "add references" in my new computer
See the picture please
But i do not see it when I try to import it at a module in that project
Schermafbeelding 2024-06-16 132832.jpg
But what i see now, the dll is working but i can not import it in a module by writing "imports wis.wisandre"
Is this now changed in 2022?
Before, several years ago i must do that
But now it is working in a sub by writng de code "wisaw.wisandre.tooninformatie" and i see the information I wrote in the dll
So, I think it is working
Thanks, but not easy to me to understand all, my respect, I am a "recreation" programmer :=) or better :=(