Importing/Exporting a Config File


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello everyone, I'm brand new to this forum.

I have a question.

I wrote some software a while back and now have a few new features I need to implement.

This software currently makes use of "application settings" to store all of it's settings. Which works just fine.

I have a client that has about 40 users. He wants to be able to share his settings (that he set up in his copy of the software) with all of users. Preferably by distributing a copy of a config file that they would be able to import into there software.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how they would go about doing this?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Michael Breault.:confused:
Hello everyone, I'm brand new to this forum.

I have a question.

I wrote some software a while back and now have a few new features I need to implement.

This software currently makes use of "application settings" to store all of it's settings. Which works just fine.

I have a client that has about 40 users. He wants to be able to share his settings (that he set up in his copy of the software) with all of users. Preferably by distributing a copy of a config file that they would be able to import into there software.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how they would go about doing this?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Michael Breault.:confused:

Dont know if this anwsers you question or not but.. the location of the xml application.settings file is

C:\Documents and Settings\<User ID>\Local Settings\Application Data\<Your Application Name>\

Format is basic xml format .config file, you should have little problems importing this as settings into another application. If you need help building the module to read this xml config file let me know, its fairly simple. :cool: