imagelist -> picturebox


Well-known member
May 31, 2006
Programming Experience
I am acquiring images from a camera and bunging them in an imagelist on my display form.

When displaying the images in my picturebox (sizemode = stretch)on the form they are horrible, blocky and distorted. Had a mess around and found that if I increased the size of the imagelists' imagesize property the images looked better but still well out of proportion. My question is how difficult is it going to be to get the images shown in a picbox in proportion to the actual image size?????

Don't know if that makes any sense to anybody.

This is a personal pet hate of mine because i really dislike pictureboxes and imagelists too for that matter. The graphics.drawimage methods does a wonderful job of scaling images automatically when a destination rectangle is provided. Could i urge you into trying that route or would you rather a solution to your problem as it is?
In that case, assuming your images are to placed onto a form. Just draw them in the overriden Paint event using the graphics.drawimage method. As for the imagelist, an image array would be just as good, of even a 'List(Of Image)'

I tried adding my images from the camera to a List(of Image) list but each time I add image the height and width are stored as 1 and these are read only. Have you used the list of image before? Same thing with an array of images also. I breakpoint on the line which adds image and the width of image I am adding is 2048??? Going mad here.
