Question Image/Pattern Recognition


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Programming Experience
Hey folks,

I have a project I'm trying to work out the feasibility of being able to do in VB.Net - I want to process images that consist of a grid of squares containing symbols, and I want to be able to break down the grid so that the program can work out how many of each symbol there are and where it is on the grid. Not sure if this is something that's going to be do-able from what I've googled! If it makes a difference I can have images of the symbols that are in the grid before processing?

Hope that makes some sense!
Well, there is a Bitmap.GetPixel method that you can use to retrieve the color of a pixel. If the symbol you want to parse from the image are pixel identical, you can easily go through all the pixels in the may image and see how many times you see an area with the exact same pixels as the symbol you are looking for.

Now, the fun comes if you have a look-alike version of the symbol to find that is not exactly pixel identical. From there, you must use approximation methods to count the number of representations similar to your symbol (within a certain margin of error).

And then, the most fun of them all, if your symbol may not be exactly the same proportions as on the actual image! I would extrapolate a curve that averages the colors of the neighboring pixels and attempt to determine the rate at which the image was compressed/stretched relatively to the original...

In any case, it is doable. Might just take a little more time then expected and might require some maths... Good luck! :)