Identifying Open Ports on a System


Mar 29, 2005
Programming Experience
Hello All,

I usually exhaust all my resources on-line before resorting to the forums for assistance because it just seems more rewarding if I can manage to find the solution on my own. However, I believe I have thoroughly exhausted my resources at this point for this problem and if anyone could kindly steer me in the proper direction it would be Great!!!

I know that there are a number of free tools and utilities already available on the internet that can display the open ports on a system and sometimes with the corresponding process ID's that are using them. Such as fport and netstat to name a couple.

Although I don't believe in re-inventing the wheel I would like to know how to utilize VB.NET to acquire this information for myself to implement my own application design. The problem is I can't seem to find any information on the topic and for the 1 or 2 links I have found that may get me going in the right direction, the links are broken. I know how to utilize a specific port and etc but what class would you use to identify open ports on any system?

I have searched all the WMI classes but oddly enough none of them seem to provide this type of functionality.

Anyone have any ideas to help me out on this???

mivey4 :confused: :confused: :confused: