hyperlink that opens a browser


New member
Jun 6, 2006
Programming Experience
hi all :) need some help here..

here goes my problem statement...

im developing an application for my final year project using vb.net. it is a networking project called Port Scanner, which it scans for available port on the network. the result of the scanning process will show the information like Host IP, port number and port status. the the status will show either it is Open or Closed.

the thing is now, if any of the port is Open, i would like to create a hyperlink that when the user click on it, it will open a browser (e.g. IE) that will show some information about that port, where the information are queried form a database. so in the end, the result might have the information like Host IP, port number, port status and More link. the More link is only visible, or clickable, if, and only if, the port status is Open. which it will open a browser that i've explained before.


pheww~ that's quite long..hmm...so can anybody here help me with this? how to create this hyperlink, using vb.net? :confused:

thanx in advance :)
for the hyperlink effect, you can use the LinkLabel control that's in the toolbox, all you would have to do is handle the LinkClicked event for showing the information which you can use something simple like the PrintDocument and PrintPreview control and whatnot

since this is schoolwork, post the code of what you have already done if you run into problems fyi

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