How to view VS.NET 2005 generated code?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
In 2003 all the code generated automatically by VS.NET appeared on the actual form. But with 2005 the generated code is hidden. How can you view this code? I know of searching the whole project and then having search results be found in the generated code and so bringing up the Form.designer tab... but otherwise i have no idea where to find it. Where is it?
Click on the Project node in the Project Explorer window. Then in the toolbar of that window, there's a "Show All Files" button (I think it is the second button). Click it. You'll get some new files being shown. If you then expand the node for your form, you'll see a file called FormName.Designer.vb ... that's the file you want.

Just a note of warning, if you make changes to it, then modify your form from the designer, you may lose your changes. You also run the risk of ruining your form to the point that it cannot be used. So just becareful.

Cool, thanks alot. Not to worry about changing the code of .designer - any changes made will be managed... I just like being able to see whats going on in the background and changing a few things.... thanks again! :D