Are you really sure about that? What's the actual workflow here? It seems to me that your grid contains a list of items for purchase and each time an item is selected it's added to the list. Presumably each item in the list should have its own button and clicking that button removes that item from the list, right? If you had 10 items in the list, surely you'd have 10 buttons all in the same column, one per row, right?sorry sorry, single button in specific cell.
Im sorry. -.- yea not just one button. One button per product that I add in the cart.
Perhaps if you were to explain what the code is supposed then it might be clear why it's not doing it. Regardless of that, why are you looping through the entire grid? Surely all you're interested in is the row containing the button that was just clicked.Look what I did, it's stil not werking. -.-
so remove the loop ? only the if statements ? still not working if i remove the loop.