Question How to print to a label maker


Apr 9, 2008
Programming Experience

I hope I'm writing in the right section of the forums.

I'm trying to print my Form to a label maker, not a printer, but don't know how and where to start. Any help ?
If your label maker has windows drivers and it appears in the list of printers like any other, then it's only a matter of making the correct PrintDocument object with the right size and number of pages. If it doesn't appear in the list of printers, then I'm out of ideas... We actually chose not to support those printers for our application which targets business tag/bar code/etc printing.

PS. There may be more to it, we're not yet to the part of creating those printing templates and we've put it on ice for the moment.
If your label maker has windows drivers and it appears in the list of printers like any other, then it's only a matter of making the correct PrintDocument object with the right size and number of pages. If it doesn't appear in the list of printers, then I'm out of ideas... We actually chose not to support those printers for our application which targets business tag/bar code/etc printing.

PS. There may be more to it, we're not yet to the part of creating those printing templates and we've put it on ice for the moment.

Thanks for the reply,

I'm actually using Visual Basic Power Packs 3, and I am able to print to a regular printer. I don't know if its going to be that easy to print to label printer, hopefully I won't have to modify the SDK of that printer.

thanks again.
I do not know for sure, I would think that if you can print to the printer using Word or any other program, then you should be fine. And for that, it needs to be registered in the computer's printers so the driver must be compatible with Windows. The only one we have here has its own program which prints stuff. It does not appear in the list like other printers. Which is why the project is on hold until we receive the new printer with standard Windows drivers.

From what I understand, all you need from there is to set the right size for your page (say you print on 2 inches large by 4 inches long stickers) and the rest will work like a charm. Of course, that was the salesmen speaking so... :s

Otherwise, you'll probably need to call APIs on the driver files or something... Not something I would want to do, especially if it won't work with the next printer you buy!
IF you are using a label printer like a Dymo it has a printer driver you can follow Stonkie's advice. IF you are using a device like a Zebra, it has a markup language that you use.

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