Dim FirstDate, the message is a string
Dims SecondDate to a date
Message = Label1.Text
FirstDate = "1993-10-28"
SecondDate = CDate(FirstDate)
Label1.Text = "I'm Already in This World:" & DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, SecondDate, Now) & "Day" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Hour, SecondDate, Now) & "Hour" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, SecondDate, Now) & "Minutes" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, SecondDate, Now) & "Seconds"
Dims SecondDate to a date
Message = Label1.Text
FirstDate = "1993-10-28"
SecondDate = CDate(FirstDate)
Label1.Text = "I'm Already in This World:" & DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, SecondDate, Now) & "Day" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Hour, SecondDate, Now) & "Hour" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, SecondDate, Now) & "Minutes" & Space(2) _
& DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, SecondDate, Now) & "Seconds"
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