how to draw points in a circular image?


New member
Sep 13, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi ,
I am working on win forms. I need to have a circular image in the background and then draw some points on the image.

I need to draw the points around the centre of the circle, the points can be at any distance/angle from the centre point (within the radius)

PLease suggest what approach should i take?
what controls/logic can be used. please provide sample code if any..

Thanks in advance!
Dinesh Kumar
How far have you got with this? Have you drawn the circle? If you have draw the circle yourself then the calculations are reasonably simple.

Diameter = Width Or Height

Radius = Width/2 or Height/2

CenterPoint = Width/2 along the x-axis
Height/2 along the y-axis.

If you have the center point and the radius, then will always know the exact circumference of the circle and you can plot all the point that you need
Re : 'how to draw points in a circular image?'

no, i am yet to start.

The axes of the points to be drawn are identified at runtime and need not be at the circumference. only the axes of centre point is identified and its radius. now the problem i am facing is :
1. how to plot the points whose axis is identified at runtime?
2. what would be the angle at which the point has to be drawn?
is there any formula which can take care of identifying the exact coordinates with angle at which the points can be plotted?

How to make a graphic point clickable?

I have plotted points on a label ground (having some background image) using FillEllipse. I need to make these points clickable (the requirement is to click over these points and do some action)

How this can be done? i also need to change the cursor to hand when the mouse moves over these plotted points.

Thanks in advance!
Dinesh Kumar