How to Animate a Graph or Either Add Scroll Bars to a Picturebox


Mar 15, 2013
Programming Experience
I am once again stuck in my Network Simulator project that I have been working on and am in need of help. My problem this time is that I have two graphs that I am manually drawing on a picturebox, yes I know I could use images, but it is what it is. And yeah, I am not drawing on the Paint method of the picturebox because I have multiple method calls that draw different things that I use and I couldn't just move them all into the Paint method. So I have the graph drawn as shown below. But now I need the graph to scroll to the left either automatically or manually with scroll bars.


The problem I am having is that when I add a panel and put the picturebox into it, the scroll bars show up but when you scroll the image disappears. I also tried to use a while loop to animate the drawing on the picturebox and move it a few pixels and redraw the image but I get a lot of flickering then. Most likely because I am not in the Paint method. I actually tried to put the code into the Paint method, but I am using a reference to an array to draw aspects of the GUI, and I can't pass the reference to the Paint methods.

Anyway, I am pasting the code below so maybe someone can give me a hint at what I need to do to get the entire graph showing correctly within the area of the GUI.

Thanks guys!

Public Class NetworkSimulator

    ' Declare globals
    Private intCounter As Integer = 0  ' Determines the current location in the array of the current packet
    Private strInput As String  ' Stores the string that the user enters
    Private strBinary As String  ' Stores the binary representation of the input string
    Private strDecimal As String  ' Stores the decimal representation of the input string
    Private enterFlag As Boolean = False  ' Determines if this is the first or subsequent press of the enter button
    Private binArray() As Integer  ' Stores the values of the binary string in an array
    Private preamble As String = "01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101" ' Stores the preamble for the ethernet frame
    Private sfd As String = "10101011" ' Stores the start frame delimiter
    Private destinationAddress As String  ' Stores the destination address
    Private sourceAddress As String  ' Stores the source address
    Private type As String = "0101110011001100" ' Stores the type
    Private crc As String  ' Stores the CRC for error checking

    Private Sub NetworkSimulator_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown

        If (e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter) And (enterFlag = True) Then
            ' Advance the packet
            intCounter = AdvancePos(intCounter)
        ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter) And (enterFlag = False) Then
            btnInput_Click(sender, New System.EventArgs())
        End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub NetworkSimulator_Paint(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = Me.CreateGraphics

        ' Draw network cables
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 150, 320, 150, 397)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 857, 320, 857, 397)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 207, 450, 328, 450)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 400, 450, 628, 450)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 700, 450, 810, 450)

        'Clean up the memory

    End Sub
    Private Sub btnInput_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInput.Click

        ' Enable the flag to show the first enter was hit
        enterFlag = True
        ' Remove focus from textbox
        ' Get the string
        strInput = txtInput.Text
        ' Advance the packet
        intCounter = AdvancePos(intCounter)

    End Sub
    Private Function AdvancePos(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer

        If strInput <> String.Empty Then

            ' Is this a new packet, if so start at position 0
            If pos = 0 Then

                ' Convert input string to binary
                strBinary = convertToBinary(strInput)
                ' Make a temp array to store the newly formated values
                Dim tempArray(strBinary.Length - 1) As Integer

                ' Place binary numbers into an array
                For index As Integer = 0 To strBinary.Length - 1
                  tempArray(index) = If(strBinary.Chars(index) = "0", 0, 1)

                ' Pass the array reference to the real array
                binArray = tempArray
                ' Swap the image
                picCircle0.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                ' Clear the previous info
                txtInfo.Text = ""
                ' Display the info for this layer
                txtInfo.Text = "Application Layer" & vbCrLf

                ' Advance the position of current
                pos += 1

            ' If this is a current packet, advance the position

                ' Check the new position to make sure it doesn't go past position 18
                If pos < 19 Then

                    If pos = 1 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle0.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle1.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Presentation Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 2 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle1.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle2.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Session Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 3 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle2.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle3.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Transport Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 4 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle3.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle4.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Network Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 5 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle4.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle5.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Data Link Layer" & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "Preamble: " & preamble & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "SFD: " & sfd & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "Destination Address: " & destinationAddress & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "Source Address: " & sourceAddress & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "Type: " & type & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "Data / Padding: " & "Insert Data Here" & vbCrLf
                        txtInfo.Text += "CRC: " & crc & vbCrLf

                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Display the ethernet frame picture

                    ElseIf pos = 6 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle5.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle6.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Physical Layer" & vbCrLf
                        ' Display the string
                        txtInfo.Text += "String: " & strInput & vbCrLf
                        ' Display the conversion
                        txtInfo.Text += "Binary: " & strBinary
                        ' Clear the previous graph

                    ElseIf pos = 7 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle6.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle7.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Host One - Digital Signal" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Draw the digital graph

                    ElseIf pos = 8 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle7.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle8.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Router One - Analog Signal" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Draw the analog graph

                    ElseIf pos = 9 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle8.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle9.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Midpoint - Analog Signal" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Draw the analog graph

                    ElseIf pos = 10 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle9.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle10.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Router Two - Analog Signal" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Draw the analog graph

                    ElseIf pos = 11 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle10.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle11.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Host Two - Digital Signal" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Draw the digital graph

                    ElseIf pos = 12 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle11.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle12.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Physical Layer" & vbCrLf
                        ' Display the string
                        txtInfo.Text += "Binary: " & strBinary & vbCrLf
                        ' Convert input string to binary and display it
                        strDecimal = convertToString(strBinary)
                        ' Display the conversion
                        txtInfo.Text += "String: " & strDecimal
                        ' Clear the previous graph

                    ElseIf pos = 13 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle12.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle13.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Data Link Layer" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph
                        ' Display the ethernet frame picture

                    ElseIf pos = 14 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle13.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle14.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Network Layer" & vbCrLf
                        ' Clear the previous graph

                    ElseIf pos = 15 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle14.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle15.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Transport Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 16 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle15.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle16.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Session Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 17 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle16.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle17.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Presentation Layer" & vbCrLf

                    ElseIf pos = 18 Then

                        ' Swap the previous circle
                        picCircle17.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                        ' Swap the current circle
                        picCircle18.Image = My.Resources.CircleGreen
                        ' Clear the previous info
                        txtInfo.Text = ""
                        ' Display the info for this layer
                        txtInfo.Text = "Application Layer" & vbCrLf

                    End If


                    ' Reset the current position to 0
                    pos = 0
                    ' Clear the last circle
                    picCircle18.Image = My.Resources.CircleClear
                    ' Set input to null
                    txtInput.Text = ""
                    ' Clear the textbox
                    txtInfo.Text = ""
                    ' Clear the graph
                    ' Give focus to textbook
                    ' Reset the flag for the first enter
                    enterFlag = False
                    ' Exit loop and return
                    Return pos

                End If

                ' Advance the position of current
                pos += 1

            End If
        End If

        ' Return the new current position
        Return pos

    End Function
    Private Function convertToBinary(ByVal str As String) As String

        ' Convert string to binary
        Dim Result As String = ""
        For Each C As Char In str
            Dim s As String = System.Convert.ToString(AscW(C), 2).PadLeft(8, "0")
            Result &= s
        Return Result

    End Function
    Private Function convertToString(ByVal str As String) As String

        ' Convert binary to string
        Dim Result As String = ""
        Dim I As Integer = 0
        Dim J As Integer = 0
        For Each C As Char In str.ToCharArray
            J *= 2
            If C = "1"c Then J += 1
            I += 1
            If I = 8 Then
                I = 0
                Result &= Chr(J)
                J = 0
            End If
        Return Result

    End Function
    Private Sub DrawEthernetFrame()

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create pens
        Dim objThinPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Black, 2)

        ' Create Font
        Dim objFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial Black", 7)

        ' Draw the background colors
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Orange, 10, 30, 80, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lime, 90, 30, 65, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lime, 90, 30, 65, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightSkyBlue, 155, 30, 70, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, 225, 30, 65, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, 290, 30, 130, 40)
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 420, 30, 80, 40)

        ' Draw the ethernet frame lines
        g.DrawRectangle(objThinPen, 10, 30, 490, 40)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 65, 30, 65, 70)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 90, 30, 90, 70)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 155, 30, 155, 70)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 225, 30, 225, 70)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 290, 30, 290, 70)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, 420, 30, 420, 70)

        ' Draw labels over boxes
        g.DrawString("Preamble", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 12, 43)
        g.DrawString("S", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 72, 33)
        g.DrawString("F", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 72, 43)
        g.DrawString("D", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 72, 53)
        g.DrawString("Destination", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 92, 37)
        g.DrawString("Address", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 100, 50)
        g.DrawString("Source", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 170, 37)
        g.DrawString("Address", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 168, 50)
        g.DrawString("Type", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 243, 43)
        g.DrawString("Data / Payload", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, 317, 43)
        g.DrawString("Frame Check", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, 425, 32)
        g.DrawString("Sequence", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, 432, 43)
        g.DrawString("(CRC)", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, 445, 54)

    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawDigitalGraph(ByRef refArray As Array)

        ' Set up positions for graph drawing
        Dim xPos As Integer = 25
        Dim yPos As Integer = 57

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create pens
        Dim objThinPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Black)

        ' Create Font
        Dim objFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial Black", 8)

        ' Get how many tics there will be
        Dim numTics As Integer = refArray.Length
        ' Get total distance needed for graph
        Dim totalWidth As Integer = (numTics * 20) + 50 '+ Me.Width

        ' Set ticPos
        Dim ticPos As Integer = 1
        ' Create a temp xPos
        Dim tempX As Integer = xPos

        ' Draw Digital Graph Baseline and Increments
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, tempX, 0, tempX, Me.Height)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, tempX, yPos, totalWidth, yPos)
        g.DrawString("1", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, tempX - 12, 15)
        g.DrawString("-1", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, tempX - 17, 85)

        ' Draw tic marks
        For index As Integer = 0 To numTics - 1
            tempX += 20
            g.DrawLine(objThinPen, tempX, yPos - 5, tempX, yPos + 5)
            g.DrawString(ticPos, objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, tempX - 6, yPos + 10)
            ticPos += 1

        ' Reset tempX
        tempX = xPos

        ' Draw the Digital Graph
        For index As Integer = 0 To binArray.Length - 2
            If binArray(index) = 0 Then
                If binArray(index + 1) = 0 Then
                    ' Draw Line 1 and increment the x position
                    Line1(tempX, yPos)
                    tempX += 20
                    ' Draw Line 2 and increment the x position
                    Line2(tempX, yPos)
                    tempX += 20
                End If
                If binArray(index + 1) = 1 Then
                    ' Draw Line 3 and increment the x position
                    Line3(tempX, yPos)
                    tempX += 20
                    ' Draw Line 4 and increment the x position
                    Line4(tempX, yPos)
                    tempX += 20
                End If
            End If

        ' Fix the last line
        If binArray(binArray.Length - 2) = 0 Then
            If binArray(binArray.Length - 1) = 0 Then
                ' Draw Line 1
                Line1(tempX, yPos)
                ' Draw Line 4
                Line4(tempX, yPos)
            End If
            If binArray(binArray.Length - 1) = 1 Then
                ' Draw Line 4
                Line4(tempX, yPos)
                tempX += 20
                ' Draw Line 1
                Line1(tempX, yPos)
                tempX += 20
            End If
        End If

        ' Clean up memory

    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawAnalogGraph(ByRef refArray As Array)

        ' Set up positions for graph drawing
        Dim xPos As Integer = 25
        Dim yPos As Integer = 57

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create pens
        Dim objThinPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Black)
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 2)

        ' Create Font
        Dim objFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial Black", 8)

        ' Get how many tics there will be
        Dim numTics As Integer = refArray.Length
        ' Get total distance needed for graph
        Dim totalLength As Integer = (numTics * 40) + 50 + Me.Width
        ' Set ticPos
        Dim ticPos As Integer = 1

        ' Draw Digital Graph Baseline and Increments
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, xPos, 0, xPos, Me.Height)
        g.DrawLine(objThinPen, xPos, yPos, totalLength, yPos)
        g.DrawString("1", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 13, 15)
        g.DrawString("-1", objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 8, 85)

        ' Draw tic marks
        For index As Integer = 0 To numTics - 1
            xPos += 40
            g.DrawLine(objThinPen, xPos, yPos - 5, xPos, yPos + 5)
            g.DrawString(ticPos, objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPos - 6, yPos + 37)
            ticPos += 1

        ' Reset xpos
        xPos = 25

        ' Draw the Analog Graph
        For index As Integer = 0 To binArray.Length - 1
            If binArray(index) = 0 Then
                Sin0(xPos, yPos)
                xPos += 40
                Sin1(xPos, yPos)
                xPos += 40
            End If

        ' Clean up memory

    End Sub
    Private Sub clearGraph()

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Clear the Graph

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Sine wave for 0
    Private Sub Sin0(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 2)

        ' Set up points to draw the top half of the first sine graph
        Dim pt1 = New Point(x, y)
        Dim pt2 = New Point(x + 5, y - 77)
        Dim pt3 = New Point(x + 10, y)

        ' Draw the top half of the first sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)

        ' Set up points to draw the lower half of the first sine graph
        pt1 = New Point(x + 10, y)
        pt2 = New Point(x + 15, y + 77)
        pt3 = New Point(x + 20, y)

        ' Draw the lower half of the first sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)


        ' Set up points to draw the top half of the second sine graph
        pt1 = New Point(x + 20, y)
        pt2 = New Point(x + 25, y - 77)
        pt3 = New Point(x + 30, y)

        ' Draw the top half of the second sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)

        ' Set up points to draw the lower half of the second sine graph
        pt1 = New Point(x + 30, y)
        pt2 = New Point(x + 35, y + 77)
        pt3 = New Point(x + 40, y)

        ' Draw the lower half of the second sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Sine wave for 1
    Private Sub Sin1(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 2)

        ' Set up points to draw the top half of the sine graph
        Dim pt1 = New Point(x, y)
        Dim pt2 = New Point(x + 10, y - 77)
        Dim pt3 = New Point(x + 20, y)

        ' Draw the top half of the sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)

        ' Set up points to draw the lower half of the sine graph
        pt1 = New Point(x + 20, y)
        pt2 = New Point(x + 30, y + 77)
        pt3 = New Point(x + 40, y)

        ' Draw the lower half of the sine wave
        g.DrawBezier(objThickPen, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt3)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Line for 0 -> 0
    Private Sub Line1(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 3)

        ' Draw the line
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x, y, x + 20, y)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Line for 0 -> 1
    Private Sub Line2(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 3)

        ' Draw the line
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x, y, x + 20, y)
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x + 20, y, x + 20, y - 20)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Line for 1 -> 1
    Private Sub Line3(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 3)

        ' Draw the line
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x, y - 20, x + 20, y - 20)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub
    ' Line for 1 -> 0
    Private Sub Line4(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        ' Create graphics
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = picGraph.CreateGraphics

        ' Create Pen
        Dim objThickPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Blue, 3)

        ' Draw the line
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x, y - 20, x + 20, y - 20)
        g.DrawLine(objThickPen, x + 20, y - 20, x + 20, y)

        'Clean up memory

    End Sub

End Class