How to accept a download?


Mar 17, 2011
Programming Experience
I connects to a site.
On that site, it puts in criteria to filter on a database. It then submits it.
A pop up window appears asking to Open / Save / Cancel. I don't know how to interact with that window.

It is possible to Save, and specify the download location without having to use Sendkeys?
Note: There is no file to directly download. You have to run the report and it kicks back the file.
Depends on how the download works and what window is actually popping up (for example browser window or system dialog). If the download is the result of a url request WebBrowser control can be used to navigate from requesting page, then using Navigating event the url can be cancelled and picked up for manual download. Other ways could be to use for example Fiddler web debugger tool and watch what requests is actually being sent to server during a manual browsing session and replicate those with a WebClient/HttpWebRequest in VB afterwards.