How i can determine resolution for my project


Aug 31, 2006
Programming Experience
I need to detrmind you if he want to use my program to use screen zoom 800*600
how can i do that
There should be absolutely no reason for you to worry about screen resolution. You should build your apps assuming that everyone has a resolution of at least 800 x 600 and just create your forms the size that's appropriate for the task. If the user sets their resolution higher or lower it's because they want everything to be bigger or smaller. If you go changing the size of your form then you're directly going against the user's wishes and that's a bad thing.
did you mean it as to adjust you application res to users res. ?
You can get the resolution using this function :

Public Function ScreenResolution() As String
Dim intX As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
Dim intY As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
Return intX & " X " & intY
End Function

and sets the resolution of you application according to resolution of
the users wishes.​
No, he means that you should make your application's screens in such a way that they appear properly and are usable on a resolution of 800x600
You can most easily do this by setting the size of the form to 750x550 - that the minimum size of your form. Design it well.

If you dont know how to make your forms resize properly so that all the controls space out nicely etc, then you should ask here and we can help.

Designing in this way ensures:
Your form will still be OK and usable at 750x550 - i.e. when the user has a 800x600 screen
Your form will grow sensibly and provide users of larger screens a lot more space to work in