How flexible is Deployment


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi, just a few things I'd like to know before getting too deep into my development.

I'm currently shipping my program with SQLExpress databases, so developing using the System.Data.SqlServerCe namespace, however once I've got all the nitty gritty stuff sorted out, I'd like to allow the client to choose whatever SQL Server version they have, would I have to do a custom build using another SQLServer namespace to support this functionality?

Also, how difficult is it install program updates? I'd like it so their My.Settings and maybe some other selected files like databases don't get overwritten if they already exist but added if they don't?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you're using SQL Server Express then you're not using System.Data.SqlServerCe and vice versa. SQL Server Express is the same database engine as SQL Server, so the same ADO.NET provider is used for both: System.Data.SqlClient. The System.Data.SqlServerCe provider is used to connect to SQL Server CE, which is a completely different animal. If you want your users to be able to use SQL Server then you should develop using SQL Server Express. That way, all the user has to do is change the connection string.
My apologies... I thought Compact Edition was the same as the Express version!?!?

Is the Express edition free? I mean to deploy to client machines?

I just added the databases via the VS IDE and CE appears to be the default version!?!

If it is free, how do I create and connect to it using the IDE?

And oh...

how difficult is it install program updates? I'd like it so their My.Settings and maybe some other selected files like databases don't get overwritten if they already exist but added if they don't?
OK, just confirmed Express is free to distribute and managed to set it up ok.

So the remaining question:

how difficult is it install program updates? I'd like it so their My.Settings and maybe some other selected files like databases don't get overwritten if they already exist but added if they don't?