How do you display an array over several forms?


New member
Feb 23, 2005
Programming Experience
I have an array currrently containing data for 7 employees, i wish to click on a button in form 1 and then forms 2 through to 8(or however many are required to satisfy array size) be created to display the data for each employee. The data is to be displayed in textboxes on each form.
i.e. form 2 will display data for Dave and will have a button to form 3 to display data for Emile, etc etc

Currently my code (which is below) is placing all the data on new instances of form2 and i don't know how i can navigate round i.e from the first instance of form2 'Dave' to the second instance 'Emile', i have to close down a form to see whatever employee data is on the form behind it.

Does anyone know how to achieve the creation of new forms, display the data on these new forms and then provide functionality to navigate between these new forms all through a button click on form1?

Form1 vb code:

Public employee As Object(,) = {{"Dave", 105, 4, 14.8, 3.47, 1.06, 4.04, 4.03}, _
{"Emile", 120, 5.55, 16.1, 3.93, 1.2, 4.7, 4.74}, _
{"Daniel", 152, 6.38, 21.1, 4.9, 1.2, 6.02, 4.23}, _
{"Ron", 101, 4, 13.6, 3.4, 0, 3.83, 3.79}, _
{"Bryan", 121, 5.55, 15.8, 3.93, 0, 5.83, 4.64}, _
{"Bert", 150, 6.25, 20, 5, 0, 5.13, 4.67}, _
{"Chuck", 265, 6.7, 17.7, 3.7, 0, 4.5, 4.44}}

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer = 0

For i = 0 To UBound(employee)
Dim F As New Form2(employee(i, 0).ToString(), _
CType(employee(i, 1), String), _
CType(employee(i, 2), Single), _
CType(employee(i, 3), Single), _
CType(employee(i, 4), Single), _
CType(employee(i, 5), Single), _
CType(employee(i, 6), Single), _
CType(employee(i, 7), Single))
End Sub

Form2 vb code:

Form2 vb code:

Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal data1 As Single, _
ByVal data2 As Single, _
ByVal data3 As Single, _
ByVal data4 As Single, _
ByVal data5 As Single, _
ByVal data6 As Single)

txtname.Text = name
txtdata1.Text = data1.ToString
txtdata2.Text = data2.ToString
txtdata3.Text = data3.ToString
txtdata4.Text = data4.ToString
txtdata5.Text = data5.ToString
txtdata6.Text = data6.ToString
txtdata7.Text = data7.ToString

End Sub
You should really consider using structures. The data in the structure can be accessed as if it were a property and all would be much easier. Put the declaration and initialization of the structure in a module, make it public and you can access it from anywhere in the project. Try and look it up in the VB.NET help files.