Question How do I initialize an array of User Defined Structure?


May 12, 2009
Programming Experience
Structure AWGInfo
Dim AWG As Integer
Dim DiamMM As Double
Dim InsulDiamMM As Double
Dim GramsPerMeter As Double
Dim OhmsPerMeter As Double
End Structure
Dim X() As AWGInfo = {{1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1}, {6, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.2}}

On the Dim X() line, I get this error:
BC30332 Value of type 'Double(*,*)' cannot be converted to 'Form1.AWGInfo()' because 'Double' is not derived from 'Form1.AWGInfo'.
[Column 23]

If I change it to Dim X() As AWGInfo = {{1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1}, {6, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.2}}
I also have the error:
BC30672 Explicit initialization is not permitted for arrays declared with explicit bounds.

What I would like is:
.AWG =1
.DiamMM = 2.1
.InsulDiamMM = 3.1
.GramsPerMeter = 4.1
.OhmsPerMeter = 5.1
.AWG = 6
.DiamMM = 7.1
.InsulDiamMM = 8.1
.GramsPerMeter = 9.1
.OhmsPerMeter = 10.2

I know I can fill the array with code, but I prefer to do it at compile time just because of the amount of data that I have.

Any suggestions?
Your post is so convenient that it begs for a With block, school assignment? :watermelon:
        Dim X(1) As AWGInfo
        With X(0)
            .AWG = 1
            .DiamMM = 2.1
            .InsulDiamMM = 3.1
            .GramsPerMeter = 4.1
            .OhmsPerMeter = 5.1
        End With
        With X(1)
        End With

Then there is the With object initializer, much alike the above, typically used like this:
X(0) = New AWGInfo With {.AWG = 1, .DiamMM = 3.1}

You can also add a constructor (Sub New) to the structure and use that - a.k.a New AWGInfo(1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1)
No, not school.
I am working on figuring out how many turns of wire I need on a coil for a 1950 jukebox.

Is there way to do the "with" for multiple items: - that is fill x(0)..x(40) in a single statement.
For some reason I dont like the:
X(0) = New AWGInfo With {.AWG = 1, .DiamMM = 3.1}
X(1) = New AWGInfo With {.AWG = 20, .DiamMM = .3}
with x(0), with x(1), although I will use that if nothing cleaner looks cleaner;
Is there way to do the "with" for multiple items: - that is fill x(0)..x(40) in a single statement.
Yes, a For loop... For index, With array(index).