how do anyone create a game in


Oct 13, 2005
Programming Experience
like side scrolling, and rpg, breakout?
I find that impossible because on the side scrolling, i cannot make it "jump". i could only make the icon go up. the timer would not help.
on the rpg, you would have to make such coordinates that they are equal like (50,50) and (100,100) if you want to attack. i made my own progs at visual basic dot net. they could be downloaded at click the maximum potential and tell me if i am a beginner or an intermediate or just way too simple to be classifed as too low to be a beginner?
Oh yeah, it is possible to make a lotto game where you get 7 random numbers on each boxes (label) but they are all different, nonrepeating?
how about the guessing game? where you guess the number of what the computer is thinking. the number is between 1-128, and you have only 8 chances, after you click play, it would put the input box, and if you press cancel, it would not crash, i tried making a guessing game but it keep on crashing whenever i press cancel. if the computer number is 58, and i typed 59, i want the input box to say type a smaller integer, and when i type 57, i want the input box to say to type a bigger integer, and for each time that i get wrong, i want the chances to decrease, when the chances get to 0, i would lose,
how about soduko?
Cool link :cool:
I made pong and pacman (my own version wich contains lasers and stuff) in
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Ok but i have to warn you that i wrote this when i was starting with visual basic so its a little amateuristic, never the less its verry fun to write, if you dont understand annything of it then just pm or so.

I also use dutch and english trough each other.


Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim pac1, pac2 As Bitmap
Dim pac As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\open.bmp")
Dim vijand2 As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\vijand2.bmp")
Dim vijand As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\vijand.bmp")
Dim Laser As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\laser.bmp")
Dim torpedo As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\torpedo.bmp")
Dim plof As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\plof.bmp")
Dim dood As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\dood.bmp")
Dim door1 As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\door1.bmp")
Dim door2 As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\door2.bmp")
Dim a As Integer = 0
Dim q As Integer = 0
'H staat voor horizontaal en V voor vertikaal
Dim H, V, H2, V2, oldh, oldv, VijandH, vijand2V, TH, TV, TTH, TTV As Integer
Dim bots As Boolean = False
Dim richtingV As Boolean = False
Dim richtingV2 As Boolean
Dim t, oldt As String
Dim Paclaser As Boolean = False
Dim doodhuh As Boolean = False
Dim doodhuh2 As Boolean = False
Protected Overrides Sub onpaint(ByVal e As
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
Dim pen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 2)
g.DrawLine(pen, 50, 100, 50, 300) 'muur1
g.DrawLine(pen, 50, 0, 50, 50) 'muur2
g.DrawLine(pen, 50, 50, 150, 50) 'muur3
g.DrawLine(pen, 100, 150, 100, 200) 'muur4
g.DrawLine(pen, 150, 100, 300, 100) 'muur5
g.DrawLine(pen, 100, 150, 250, 150) 'muur6
g.DrawLine(pen, 100, 250, 100, 300) 'muur7
g.DrawLine(pen, 150, 200, 150, 250) 'muur8
g.DrawLine(pen, 150, 200, 200, 200) 'muur9
g.DrawLine(pen, 150, 250, 200, 250) 'muur10
g.DrawLine(pen, 200, 200, 200, 250) 'muur11
g.DrawLine(pen, 200, 0, 200, 100) 'muur12
g.DrawLine(pen, 250, 200, 250, 300) 'muur13
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
pac1 = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\open.bmp")
pac2 = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\dicht.bmp")
PBvijand1.Image = vijand
PBvijand1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(150, 125)
PBvijand2.Image = vijand2
PBvijand2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 175)
PBdoor1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(240, 140)
PBdoor1.Image = door1
PBlaser.Image = Laser
H = 20
V = 150
VijandH = 125
vijand2V = 175
PBtorpedo.Image = torpedo
PBtorpedo.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim z As Integer
z += 1
a += 1
If a = 1 Then pac = pac1
If a = 2 Then pac = pac2
If a = 2 Then a = 0
PBpacman.Image = pac
End Sub
Private Sub focus_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles focus.LostFocus
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
TXTtest.Text = "V= " & CStr(V) & "V2= " & CStr(V2)
TXTtest2.Text = "H= " & CStr(H) & "H2= " & CStr(H2)
If botsing() = False Then
PBpacman.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(H, V)
If t = oldt Then
PBpacman.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(H, V)
End If
End If
If vijand1_dood() = False Then
If richtingvijand1() = False Then
VijandH += 1
End If
If richtingvijand1() = True Then
VijandH -= 1
End If
End If
If vijand2_dood() = False Then
If richtingvijand2() = False Then
vijand2V += 1
End If
If richtingvijand2() = True Then
vijand2V -= 1
End If
End If
PBvijand1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(VijandH, 115)
PBvijand2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, vijand2V)
If vuur = False Then PBtorpedo.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(H, V)
If vuur = True Then PBtorpedo.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(oldh + TH, oldv + TV)
TTH = oldh + TH
TTV = oldv + TV
End Sub
Public draai1 As Integer = 1
Public vuur As Boolean = False
Private Function vijand1_dood()
If vuur = True And TTH < VijandH + 15 And TTH > VijandH - 15 And TTV > 108 And TTV < 123 Then PBvijand1.Image = dood : doodhuh = True
Return doodhuh
End Function
Private Function vijand2_dood()
If vuur = True And TTH < 130 And TTH > 110 And TTV > vijand2V - 15 And TTV < vijand2V + 15 Then PBvijand2.Image = dood : doodhuh2 = True
Return doodhuh2
End Function
Private Function richtingvijand1()
PBvijand1.Image = vijand
If VijandH > 250 Then richtingV = True : vijand.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX)
If VijandH < 120 Then richtingV = False : vijand.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX)
Return richtingV
End Function
Private Function richtingvijand2()
If vijand2V > 280 Then richtingV2 = True
If vijand2V < 170 Then richtingV2 = False
Return richtingV2
End Function
Private Function botsing()
If (H = 50 And V > 81 And V < 300) Or _
(H2 = 50 And V > 81 And V < 300) Or _
(H2 = 50 And V > 0 And V < 50) Or _
(H = 50 And V > 0 And V < 50) Or _
(H2 > 50 And H < 150 And V = 50) Or _
(H2 > 50 And H < 150 And V2 = 48) Or _
(H = 100 And V2 > 150 And V < 200) Or _
(H2 = 100 And V2 > 150 And V < 200) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 300 And V = 100) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 300 And V2 = 98) Or _
(H2 > 100 And H < 250 And V2 = 150) Or _
(H2 > 100 And H < 250 And V = 150) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 200 And V2 = 200) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 200 And V = 200) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 200 And V2 = 250) Or _
(H2 > 150 And H < 200 And V = 250) Or _
(H = 100 And V2 > 250 And V < 300) Or _
(H2 = 100 And V2 > 250 And V < 300) Or _
(H = 150 And V2 > 200 And V < 250) Or _
(H2 = 150 And V2 > 200 And V < 250) Or _
(H = 200 And V2 > 200 And V < 250) Or _
(H2 = 200 And V2 > 200 And V < 250) Or _
(H = 200 And V2 > 0 And V < 100) Or _
(H2 = 200 And V2 > 0 And V < 100) Or _
(H = 250 And V2 > 200 And V < 300) Or _
(H2 = 250 And V2 > 200 And V < 300) Then
bots = True
bots = False
End If
If (H2 > 0 And H < 50 And V < 50) Then
End If
Return bots
End Function
Private Function pacman_got_laser()
pac1 = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\openL.bmp")
pac2 = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("c:\pacman\dichtL.bmp")
rotL = 0
rotR = 1
rotD = 0
rotU = 0
PBlaser.Visible = False
Paclaser = True
End Function
Private Function botsing_torp()
stop_plof.Enabled = True
End Function
Private Sub focus_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles focus.KeyDown
t = focus.Text
If botsing() = True And t = oldt Then
Select Case t
Case "z"
V -= 1
If rotU = 0 Then pacman_boven()
Case "s"
V += 1
If rotD = 0 Then pacman_onder()
Case "d"
H += 1
If rotR = 0 Then pacman_rechts()
Case "q"
H -= 1
If rotL = 0 Then pacman_links()
Case "f"
If Paclaser = True Then
If vuur = False Then
PBtorpedo.Image = torpedo
Pacman_vuur.Enabled = True
RotRoud = rotR : Rotloud = rotL : RotDoud = rotD : RotUoud = rotU
oldh = H : oldv = V
End If
End If
End Select
End If
H2 = H + 23
V2 = V + 23
oldt = t
End Sub
Public rotL As Integer = 0
Public rotR As Integer = 1
Public rotU As Integer = 0
Public rotD As Integer = 0
Dim Rotloud, RotRoud, RotDoud, RotUoud As Integer
Public Function pacman_links()
If rotU = 0 And rotD = 0 And rotR = 1 Then
End If
If rotU = 1 And rotD = 0 And rotR = 0 Then
End If
If rotU = 0 And rotD = 1 And rotR = 0 Then
End If
rotL = 1
rotR = 0
rotD = 0
rotU = 0
End Function
Public Function pacman_rechts()
If rotU = 0 And rotD = 0 And rotL = 1 Then
End If
If rotU = 0 And rotD = 1 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
If rotU = 1 And rotD = 0 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
rotL = 0
rotR = 1
rotD = 0
rotU = 0
End Function
Public Function pacman_onder()
If rotU = 1 And rotD = 0 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
If rotU = 0 And rotR = 0 And rotL = 1 Then
End If
If rotU = 0 And rotR = 1 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
rotL = 0
rotR = 0
rotD = 1
rotU = 0
End Function
Public Function pacman_boven()
If rotD = 1 And rotR = 0 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
If rotD = 0 And rotR = 0 And rotL = 1 Then
End If
If rotD = 0 And rotR = 1 And rotL = 0 Then
End If
rotL = 0
rotR = 0
rotD = 0
rotU = 1
End Function
Dim kans As Integer = 0
Private Sub Pacman_vuur_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Pacman_vuur.Tick
If kans = 0 Then
PBtorpedo.Visible = True
vuur = True
If RotRoud = 1 Then TH += 3
If Rotloud = 1 Then TH -= 3
If RotUoud = 1 Then TV -= 3
If RotDoud = 1 Then TV += 3
If TH > 150 Or TH < (-150) Or TV < (-150) Or TV > 150 Then
vuur = False : PBtorpedo.Visible = False : Pacman_vuur.Enabled = False
kans += 1
stop_plof.Enabled = True
End If
End If
If kans = 1 Then PBtorpedo.Visible = False : kans += 1 : Pacman_vuur.Enabled = False
If kans = 2 Then kans = 0
End Sub
Dim ploftijd As Integer = 0
Private Sub stop_plof_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles stop_plof.Tick
If ploftijd = 1 Then PBtorpedo.Visible = False 
 ploftijd = 0 : stop_plof.Enabled = False : TH = 0 : TV = 0 : vuur = False 
 Pacman_vuur.Enabled = False
ploftijd += 1
End Sub
Public doorklap As Integer = 0
Private Sub Deur_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Deur.Tick
doorklap += 1
If doorklap = 1 Then PBdoor1.Image = door1
If doorklap = 2 Then PBdoor1.Image = door2 : doorklap = 0
End Sub
End Class


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