Question how can i deal with ((ATTACHMENT DATATYPE)) after linking access to visual studio???


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Programming Experience
i've already linked the access file(2010) to visual studio(2010) and it's work perfectly except one filed which its data type is (attachment) i can't deal with it inside the form??! how can i use it as there in access just double click to link or attach files??? ..
I've researched this in the past and, as far as I can tell, the ACE OLE DB provider doesn't support that data type. We may have to wait until the next version of ACE for support, or maybe not even then.
I've researched this in the past and, as far as I can tell, the ACE OLE DB provider doesn't support that data type. We may have to wait until the next version of ACE for support, or maybe not even then.
:) this is a real good answer! at least i'll stop wasting time trying this! (^_^) thanks!