Hot Keys


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Programming Experience
I have written a personal mp3 player called G3 Player. It works great.... I would be happy to share the G3 Player class for use in anyones form. There are many many methods, property's, and events to take advantage of in it. ACtually I would like to share the install of it for critism and advice. Anyways.....

My conflict is I want to add hotkeys to the player. I want to be able to switch songs or however while playing my starcraft. I really just need to learn how to build hotkeys for a particular application even when the app dosn't have the focus. Can anyone help or even get me on the right track for building hotkeys? A demo for one acting hotkey would be great for now. Thanks :)
All my code is written in VB. C# uses object oriented programming the same way VB does (far as I know). The only difference I read years ago was with VC++ which can still write unmanaged code I think. Not sure but either way.

As far as the keyboard goes. If it's not the registry then it's back to what i said earlier. Just their software doing what they want this those keys. Like I said, my logitech media keys don't work either but my media keys on my Gateway default keyboard does.

As far as the website goes what problems are you having? You goto the site, click Contact Us, then write a message with your e-mail address just like normal. It works trust me and no one i know has had a problem with it.