Help with VB. Net : InputBoxes


May 1, 2006
Programming Experience
Hey guyz...

i require some of your assistance on this..Before i start i wanna first of all say that its not any hmwk or project of any kind. Im learning and i have come through this example..Im quite stuck n i dnt knw wat to exactly doo.. No idea whatsoever. So if any1 would plz give me a hand or explain to me, i need to get it right without any build errors..

The question is as follows:

Create a form that has two buttons. One button shows off its title being "one" if the user brings his mouse on the second button.

If the user presses the second button; an input dialogue box pops up.

When the input window pops up the user should be asked his name and then his mark out of 100. Once the user has entered what he is asked there is a label named "display" that should show either one of the 2 sentences.

If the mark is above or equal to 60 then mention in the label "Congratulation you passed the class attain __ marks". If the user enters a number less than 60 then your label should show "We regret to infrom you that you have failed."

Hope this is clear enuff..Thanx for ur time, waiting for ur reply
Note I am not giving you the full solution, just some hints

Ok have the form set up with the two buttons and 2 empty labels (lblName and lblScore for this example)

On the second button's click event you would need:

A variable for varName
A variable for varScore
Name = InputBox("Enter Your Name Here")
Score = InputBox("Enter Score")
Set value of lblName to variable varName

If statement to check scores(see below)

If varScore >= 60 then
lblScore.text = "Congratulation you passed the class attain " & varScore & " Marks"
lblScore.text = "We regret to infrom you that you have failed."
end if

hope that helps

Give it a try then post if you have any troubles
n i dnt knw wat to exactly doo

hi. just a side note. please write in full, proper english. this forum is host to many people from around the world, who do not use english as a native language and you have no guarantee that they can understand elite txt spk.. if they cant read what you wrote, they cant help.. (i concede that very little, insignificant part of your post is in txt, but you should try to avoid the habit developing if possible)

f u writ n sum txt spk or sum oda abbrev 4m of engl den d a gud chans dey cnt undrstn iut, and ul nd up Dnyin uslf d hlp dey cudv givn u jus cuz dey cudn read ur msg.. :)