Help with calculating pi in code!!


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Programming Experience
I am new to and am having issues with this problem that i need to complete. Is there someone that can help me?

It should be a basic loop code, I just can't figure it out.


The value of pi can be determined by the series equation:

pi = 4*(1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + 1/9 + 1/11 + ....)

Write a console program that will ask the user to enter the number of terms to use to approximate pi, calculate the approximation, and then output the result to the screen.
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1. We dont mind helping you, but you have to make some form of attempt at it rather than have us do all the work.

2. When asking a question, please you make sure you ask the question correctly - I dont believe that is the way to calculate pi :D I suggest you check again.
Inertia is right. You do need to work on the code yourself, but I will give you a hint in psuedocode

Dim pi As Double = 1 ' seed pi
Dim i As UInt16 = 0 ' seed the index

While i < 100 ' or however many times you want this process to be repeated
i += 2 'count by twos to get only odd numbers

pi += 4 * Math.Pow(i,-1) ' add by distribution

End While

ok so maybe not psuedocode..but you still need to attempt or give us your attempt before you just ask for'll never get anywhere that way