Help with a basketball game


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Programming Experience
Hello all. I am new to I'm taking an online course and I'm having some difficulty with a project I'm doing. I'm creating a basketball game with two teams of five players each. I have randomly assigned each player an offensive stat, defensive stat and a shooting percentage. The program randomly picks one player from each team to match up. If the home team is offense and the player's offensive stat is greater than the other player's defensive stat, that player gets to shoot. I've coded the program and I'm not sure where I went wrong but no matter what the matchups are, it gives me "Offensive player does not get to shoot." Can someone take a look at my code and help me figure out where I'm going wrong? I apologize, my code is very basic and I'm sure there are much easier and shorter ways to do what I'm trying to accomplish but here's my code for this portion of my program:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        Dim homebeginningscore As Integer
        Dim awaybeginningscore As Integer
        homebeginningscore = 0
        awaybeginningscore = 0
        Dim homeplayeroffensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim homeplayerdefensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim homeplayershootingstat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayeroffensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayerdefensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayershootingstat(4) As Integer
        'convert numbers in textboxes to integers
        Static isconverted As Boolean
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label37.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label38.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label39.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label40.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label41.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label42.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label43.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label44.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label45.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label46.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label47.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label48.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label49.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label50.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label51.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label52.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label53.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label54.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label55.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label56.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label57.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label58.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label59.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label60.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label61.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label62.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label63.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label64.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label65.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label66.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(4))
        'randomly pick two players to compete
        Static homeplayer As Integer
        Static awayplayer As Integer
        Static randomgenerator As New Random
        homeplayer = randomgenerator.Next(0, 5)
        awayplayer = randomgenerator.Next(0, 5)
        If homeplayer = 0 Then Label67.Text = "Michelle Johnson" Else 
        If homeplayer = 1 Then Label67.Text = "Jennifer Smith" Else 
        If homeplayer = 2 Then Label67.Text = "Jessica Doe" Else 
        If homeplayer = 3 Then Label67.Text = "Rebecca Clark" Else 
        If homeplayer = 4 Then Label67.Text = "Allison James"
        If awayplayer = 0 Then Label69.Text = "Monica Hargrove" Else 
        If awayplayer = 1 Then Label69.Text = "Micah Manning" Else 
        If awayplayer = 2 Then Label69.Text = "Amberly Thompson" Else 
        If awayplayer = 3 Then Label69.Text = "Linda Reynolds" Else 
        If awayplayer = 4 Then Label69.Text = "Brenda Cheatem"
        'pick which team is offense and which is defense
        Static offense As Integer
        Static randomgenerator2 As New Random
        offense = randomgenerator2.Next(0, 2)
        If offense = 0 Then Label72.Text = "Offense"
        If offense = 0 Then Label73.Text = "Defense"
        If offense = 1 Then Label72.Text = "Defense"
        If offense = 1 Then Label73.Text = "Offense"
        'compare the offensive and defensive ranks to decide if offense gets to shoot
        Dim homeplyr(4) As Boolean
        Dim awayplyr(4) As Boolean
        Dim hometeamisoffense As Boolean
        Dim awayteamisoffense As Boolean
        If Label72.Text = "Offense" Then hometeamisoffense = True
        If Label72.Text = "Defense" Then awayteamisoffense = True
        If hometeamisoffense = True Then
            If Label67.Text = "Michelle Johnson" Then homeplyr(0) = True
            If Label67.Text = "Jennifer Smith" Then homeplyr(1) = True
            If Label67.Text = "Jessica Doe" Then homeplyr(2) = True
            If Label67.Text = "Rebecca Clark" Then homeplyr(3) = True
            If Label67.Text = "Allison James" Then homeplyr(4) = True
        End If
        If awayteamisoffense = True Then
            If Label69.Text = "Monica Hargrove" Then awayplyr(0) = True
            If Label69.Text = "Micah Manning" Then awayplyr(1) = True
            If Label69.Text = "Amberly Thompson" Then awayplyr(2) = True
            If Label69.Text = "Linda Reynolds" Then awayplyr(3) = True
            If Label69.Text = "Brenda Cheatem" Then awayplyr(4) = True
        End If
        Dim matchup(24) As Boolean
        If homeplyr(0) = True And awayplyr(0) = True Then matchup(0) = True
        If homeplyr(0) = True And awayplyr(1) = True Then matchup(1) = True
        If homeplyr(0) = True And awayplyr(2) = True Then matchup(2) = True
        If homeplyr(0) = True And awayplyr(3) = True Then matchup(3) = True
        If homeplyr(0) = True And awayplyr(4) = True Then matchup(4) = True
        If homeplyr(1) = True And awayplyr(0) = True Then matchup(5) = True
        If homeplyr(1) = True And awayplyr(1) = True Then matchup(6) = True
        If homeplyr(1) = True And awayplyr(2) = True Then matchup(7) = True
        If homeplyr(1) = True And awayplyr(3) = True Then matchup(8) = True
        If homeplyr(1) = True And awayplyr(4) = True Then matchup(9) = True
        If homeplyr(2) = True And awayplyr(0) = True Then matchup(10) = True
        If homeplyr(2) = True And awayplyr(1) = True Then matchup(11) = True
        If homeplyr(2) = True And awayplyr(2) = True Then matchup(12) = True
        If homeplyr(2) = True And awayplyr(3) = True Then matchup(13) = True
        If homeplyr(2) = True And awayplyr(4) = True Then matchup(14) = True
        If homeplyr(3) = True And awayplyr(0) = True Then matchup(15) = True
        If homeplyr(3) = True And awayplyr(1) = True Then matchup(16) = True
        If homeplyr(3) = True And awayplyr(2) = True Then matchup(17) = True
        If homeplyr(3) = True And awayplyr(3) = True Then matchup(18) = True
        If homeplyr(3) = True And awayplyr(4) = True Then matchup(19) = True
        If homeplyr(4) = True And awayplyr(0) = True Then matchup(20) = True
        If homeplyr(4) = True And awayplyr(1) = True Then matchup(21) = True
        If homeplyr(4) = True And awayplyr(2) = True Then matchup(22) = True
        If homeplyr(4) = True And awayplyr(3) = True Then matchup(23) = True
        If homeplyr(4) = True And awayplyr(4) = True Then matchup(24) = True

        Static matchupshoot(49) As Boolean
        If matchup(0) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(0) = True Else 
        If matchup(1) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(1) = True Else 
        If matchup(2) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(2) = True Else 
        If matchup(3) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(3) = True Else 
        If matchup(4) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(4) = True Else 
        If matchup(5) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(5) = True Else 
        If matchup(6) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(6) = True Else 
        If matchup(7) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(7) = True Else 
        If matchup(8) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(8) = True Else 
        If matchup(9) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(9) = True Else 
        If matchup(10) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(10) = True Else 
        If matchup(11) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(11) = True Else 
        If matchup(12) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(12) = True Else 
        If matchup(13) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(13) = True Else 
        If matchup(14) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(14) = True Else 
        If matchup(15) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(15) = True Else 
        If matchup(16) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(16) = True Else 
        If matchup(17) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(17) = True Else 
        If matchup(18) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(18) = True Else 
        If matchup(19) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(19) = True Else 
        If matchup(20) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(20) = True Else 
        If matchup(21) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(21) = True Else 
        If matchup(22) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(22) = True Else 
        If matchup(23) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(23) = True Else 
        If matchup(24) = True And hometeamisoffense = True And homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(24) = True
        If matchup(0) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(25) = True Else 
        If matchup(1) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(26) = True Else 
        If matchup(2) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(27) = True Else 
        If matchup(3) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(28) = True Else 
        If matchup(4) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(29) = True Else 
        If matchup(5) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(30) = True Else 
        If matchup(6) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(31) = True Else 
        If matchup(7) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(32) = True Else 
        If matchup(8) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(33) = True Else 
        If matchup(9) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(34) = True Else 
        If matchup(10) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(35) = True Else 
        If matchup(11) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(36) = True Else 
        If matchup(12) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(37) = True Else 
        If matchup(13) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(38) = True Else 
        If matchup(14) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(39) = True Else 
        If matchup(15) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(40) = True Else 
        If matchup(16) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(41) = True Else 
        If matchup(17) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(42) = True Else 
        If matchup(18) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(43) = True Else 
        If matchup(19) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(44) = True Else 
        If matchup(20) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then matchupshoot(45) = True Else 
        If matchup(21) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then matchupshoot(46) = True Else 
        If matchup(22) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then matchupshoot(47) = True Else 
        If matchup(23) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then matchupshoot(48) = True Else 
        If matchup(24) = True And hometeamisoffense = False And homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then matchupshoot(49) = True
        If matchupshoot(0) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(1) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(2) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(3) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(4) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(5) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(6) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(7) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(8) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(9) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(10) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(11) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(12) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(13) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(14) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(15) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(16) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(17) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(18) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(19) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(20) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(21) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(22) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(23) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(24) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(25) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(26) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(27) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(28) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(29) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(30) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(31) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(32) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(33) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(34) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(35) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(36) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(37) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(38) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(39) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(40) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(41) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(42) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(43) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(44) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(45) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(46) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(47) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(48) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        If matchupshoot(49) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
        Label74.Text = "Offense does not get to shoot!"
i can't be sure without the program here to test it but

Static randomgenerator2 As New Random

change that to

dim randomgenerator2 As New Random

those other static declarations. do you need to remember the variables the next time the button is clicked? if not change them to dim too
these if statements you're using

If matchupshoot(0) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
If matchupshoot(1) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
If matchupshoot(2) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else 
If matchupshoot(3) = True Then Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" Else

try reformatting them like this

If matchupshoot(0) = True Then 
   Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" 
elseIf matchupshoot(1) = True Then 
   Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" 
Elseif matchupshoot(2) = True Then 
   Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" 
ElseIf matchupshoot(3) = True Then 
   Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" 
   'if none of the preceeding conditions apply
end if

although you could just loop through some of your arrays

Label74.Text = "Offense does not get to shoot!"
for x as integer = 0 to 49
    if matchupshoot(x) = True then
       Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!" 
       exit for
    end if 

you should look at ways you could simplify your code
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