Help needed - wildcard searching


Mar 7, 2005
Programming Experience
I have an Access database, with a VB front-end. I have coded a button to search for records. The button works, but only if the record (in this case, a Surname) is typed in exactly. It does not work for wildcard searching (eg: *smi* to find all names containing those letters. I would have to type 'Smith' in full).

Does anyone have any ideas how my code (as follows) can be modified to enable this feature?

Private Sub btnFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFind.Click

Dim FindName As String
Dim DataPosition As Integer
FindName = InputBox("Please enter surname to search for")
If FindName <> "" Then
Dim cm As CurrencyManager = CType(BindingContext _
(DataSet12, "tblData"), CurrencyManager)
Dim dv As DataView = CType(cm.List, DataView)
DataPosition = dv.Find(FindName)
If DataPosition > -1 Then
Me.BindingContext(DataSet12, _
"tblData").Position = DataPosition

End If
End If
End Sub

Many thanks for your help!
You can set the RowFilter property of the dataView to a valid SQL WHERE clause .For example:
Name LIKE " & FindName.Replace("*"c, "%"c)
where Name is the name of the Field you want to 'search' in. The dataView will then only contain the rows with the text *FindName* in the Field 'Name'.

Also, there's an easier way to get a dataView from the dataTable. Every dataTable has a DefaultView property which is a dataView.
Many thanks for your quick reply. Although I am quite new to this, and don't quite understand how to fit your suggestion into my code. Are you able to elaborate a little please?

DataSet12.Tables("tblData").DefaultView.RowFilter = "Surname LIKE '%smi%'"
will cause any controls bound to that table to display only rows where the Surname field contains the substring "smi".
Thanks, but that doesn't seem to work either. It doesn't 'jump' to the required record, but instead, just sits there on whatever record is currently displayed.

I should have perhaps explained I am not using a DataView or a DataGrid. My MS Access database fields are bound to, and displayed in Text Boxes.

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