Question HELP need VB to delete file through FTP


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Programming Experience
I really need to be able to delete a file on my server through Ftp and Visual Basic.

So far I know how to upload to a server but not how to delete a particular file on it.

Any help given would be very much appreciated :)
What you need to do is to import a namespace. For example FtpWebRequest will display a blue squiggly line, if you mouse over this a red icon with an exclamation point is displayed, this is the interface for VS Error Correction Options - click it and the dialog listing the correction options appear. For example click the option to import the namespace VS suggests. That namespace should correspond to the one you'll find when you look up the type in help.

If you have Option Strict On, which you should, error correction will also help you fix the two required type casts for that.