help making either a list or array


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Programming Experience
i have 9 drugs that i want to make a list or array with and correspond each one to a number, that's why i was thinking array. but i don't know how to go about it. Here's what i have so far.

Public Sub RandomLuck()

Dim randomLuck As Random = New Random
Dim GoodLuck As Integer
Dim BadLuck As Integer
Dim LuckDecision As Integer

LuckDecision = randomLuck.Next(1, 5)

If LuckDecision = 1 Then
Select Case GoodLuck = randomLuck.Next(1, 3)
End Select
End If

If LuckDecision = 5 Then
Select Case BadLuck = randomLuck.Next(1, 3)
End Select
End If

Then for example i want to say :

If GoodLuck = 1 Then
messagebox.Show("The Market is flooded with" & "XRandomDrugFromArrayX")
End If

Then somehow i need to subtract a random number from the price of the same drug. I tend to overcomplicate things so if someone knows an easier way or how to fill in the blanks I'd appreciate it.
nooooooo. Yes! Man! but after getting the other copy of yours i saw how you did it but i couldn't get it to work without redoing a buncha stuff.