Hangman program issues..


Active member
Aug 30, 2006
Programming Experience
Im fairly new to VB.NET and I am making the infamous Hangman program.

So far Ive managed to draw a random word from a text file and display it in a label on form load, but what I really want to do is convert all of the characters to an underscore so they can't see it.

I am debating on that, or just letting a reader count the characters in the word and assign a certain amount of underscores to the label instead of converting anything.

Like I said, I am NEW so tips or direction would be much appreciated. If I could get ahold of my professor I would.

well ive figured most of it out. now it just needs to be refined.

for those of you who want to play around or look at my code, here it is!

I'll update when I come up with a finished project. (is it ever finished?)


  • hangman.zip
    188.4 KB · Views: 35
:D My next steps I am working on now...

integrating the word list into the packaged exe so its not dependant, then ending the game when you successfully complete it.

and a bunch of other graphical tweaks I guess too.