Grade calculator


New member
May 13, 2016
Programming Experience
I have the following code which is supposed to execute on button click. When i run the program, the button is not doing anything. Kindly assist where i got it all wrong
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        If Val(TextBox_vb.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_vb.Text) >= 75 Then

            vb = TextBox_vb.Text("1")
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_vb.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_vb.Text) >= 65 Then
            vb = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_vb.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_vb.Text) >= 60 Then
            vb = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_vb.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_vb.Text) >= 50 Then
            vb = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_vb.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_vb.Text) >= 0 Then
            vb = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")
        End If

        If Val(TextBox_db.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_db.Text) >= 75 Then

            db = "1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_db.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_db.Text) >= 65 Then
            db = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_db.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_db.Text) >= 60 Then
            db = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_db.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_db.Text) >= 50 Then
            db = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_db.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_db.Text) >= 0 Then
            db = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")

        End If
        If Val(TextBox_dc.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_dc.Text) >= 75 Then

            ob = "1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_dc.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_dc.Text) >= 65 Then
            ob = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_dc.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_dc.Text) >= 60 Then
            ob = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_dc.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_dc.Text) >= 50 Then
            ob = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_dc.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_dc.Text) >= 0 Then
            ob = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")

        End If
        If Val(TextBox_mab.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_mab.Text) >= 75 Then

            copfin = "1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_mab.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_mab.Text) >= 65 Then
            copfin = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_mab.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_mab.Text) >= 60 Then
            copfin = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_mab.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_mab.Text) >= 50 Then
            copfin = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_mab.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_mab.Text) >= 0 Then
            copfin = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")

        End If

        If Val(TextBox_ob.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_ob.Text) >= 75 Then

            datacomms = "1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_ob.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_ob.Text) >= 65 Then
            datacomms = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_ob.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_ob.Text) >= 60 Then
            datacomms = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_ob.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_ob.Text) >= 50 Then
            datacomms = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_ob.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_ob.Text) >= 0 Then
            datacomms = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")

        End If

        If Val(TextBox_cf.Text) <= 100 And Val(TextBox_cf.Text) >= 75 Then

            mab = "1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_cf.Text) <= 74 And Val(TextBox_cf.Text) >= 65 Then
            mab = "2.1"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_cf.Text) <= 64 And Val(TextBox_cf.Text) >= 60 Then
            mab = "2.2"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_cf.Text) <= 59 And Val(TextBox_cf.Text) >= 50 Then
            mab = "3"
        ElseIf Val(TextBox_cf.Text) <= 49 And Val(TextBox_cf.Text) >= 0 Then
            mab = "F"
            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid mark")

        End If

    End Sub
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Place a breakpoint on the first line of that code using the F9 key. When you run the project, does that breakpoint get hit? If so then the Button is doing exactly what it's supposed to. In that case, step through the code line by line using the F10 key and see whether it does what you expect it to. You can use the Autos, Locals and Watch windows to determine the state of the application and whether it matches what you expect. If it doesn't then you've found an issue with your code.