I have a good understanding of dataset, datatables and dataadpaters and have used them for a few test programs in vb.net 2010 express and they seem to work OK.
What I would like to ask is where to declare the dataset such that all the Forms in my Windows application can access the same datset if required.
Let em explain I want to download about 6 small tables into a dataset and then bind them to different combobox's on different forms as when the FOrsm are opened.
So I feel I must declare and populate the dataset outside of the forms.
Then with 2 Forms I want to retrieve a larger number of Clients records and Staffs records and have the users update these as they require.
SO the large datatables of Clients and Staff are local to each form and the small datatables are globally available to all forms, does this make sense?
So the question is how should I implement it one dataset or many datasets?
Thanking you for your time..
I have a good understanding of dataset, datatables and dataadpaters and have used them for a few test programs in vb.net 2010 express and they seem to work OK.
What I would like to ask is where to declare the dataset such that all the Forms in my Windows application can access the same datset if required.
Let em explain I want to download about 6 small tables into a dataset and then bind them to different combobox's on different forms as when the FOrsm are opened.
So I feel I must declare and populate the dataset outside of the forms.
Then with 2 Forms I want to retrieve a larger number of Clients records and Staffs records and have the users update these as they require.
SO the large datatables of Clients and Staff are local to each form and the small datatables are globally available to all forms, does this make sense?
So the question is how should I implement it one dataset or many datasets?
Thanking you for your time..