Gas Station Pump Software


Mar 11, 2007
Programming Experience
Hello All,
Does anyone know how I would go about researching how to write a program that would interface with a gas station pump. Would like to know what kind of software runs on a gas station pump that I can interface with.

Thanks much..........:)
you might want to ask a bunch of gas stations who supplies their computer system and the pumps, from there you contact the software people and ask them what language they make the software in, then you can narrow your search once you know what language it's done in (currently)
normally (on those i've worked with) its a serial interface to a device that controls the pumps. COntrol of the pumps is seldom devolved to your software. Decide whose system you want to use and research how to interface it. That you say "gas pumps" implies to me that youre american, so its probably not much use my telling you most of the work i did with petrol pump hardware was from Meggit Petroleum Systems in the UK ...