form load music


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Programming Experience
i was looking at some of the other posts trying to figure out how to play music on the form load event. i can't figure out what to import.
What format is this music in? WAV, MIDI, or something else? .NET 1.x has no real native support for sound. You can use the PlaySound API for WAV sounds or the MCI or some media player component like WMP. I'd probably suggest a visit to and check out their WaveFile and Multimedia classes.
the format doesn't matter, as i can easily switch formats, i'm just looking for the simplest way to do it. i'll check out that site. thanks.
They're classes? Where do you normally put classes? You've used classes before; you've written classes before. These are no different to those. You add the code files to your project. If the members you need to use are instance members then you create an instance where you need to use it. If the members are Shared then you just callthem where required qualified with the class name.
ok. i added them to my project, but i can't figure out how to get it to work. i know. i'm a total noob.
You've used classes a million times and these are no different. You declare a variable, create an instance and invoke a member:
Dim myVariable As New SomeClass
