Form Border style problem


Aug 1, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a problem about "Cascade, Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically" window form.

We multiple form are open in a MDI parent From the i want to active these functionality.Also when i FormBorderstyle is Sizealbe this functionality is run successfully. but when...

Remember "FormBorderstyle property is FixedtoolWindow or SizeableToolWindow".

Plz give reply soon.:confused:
I would love to reply and help you out but I read over your message a few times and cannot really make out what you are actually asking. If you could be a bit more clear and possibly post some of the trouble code I would be more than happy to help.
Form Border style.

Dear sorry for giving u some problem, dear i am some application

where i implement the form border style is Sizeable. it catch the Horizantal window or Vertical window property when more windows are opened in Parent window. but when i change the border style to sizeabletoolwindow then these windows forms not catch this event.
One would guess that is standard behaviour for 'document windows' and 'tool windows'.