Form Background Image problem


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a form with around 60 text/radio/check box controls. It takes around 2 seconds to load...fine. But, when I add a background image (.jpg), it slows the form load to around 6-8 seconds....can you please suggest any corrective actions?

Thank you.
Probably not what you are going to hear but a re-design of your form is 'the best' way A lower quality image will reduce load time but I think you'll find that your going to need to break that huge form down into smaller chunks either by using more sub-forms or potentially some panels that you can hide and show based on what ever conditions you need to be met.
Thank you...

Thank there any way, that I can load the form first with the image as the background, show it, and then load all the controls? I know the onLoad event...I tried to write the code after the Initialize call...but it still fails the speed test.
It sounds like a TabControl is what you need. Break your form up into pages to make it easier to manage for the user. Also, the controls on a TabPage don't get loaded until that TabPage is viewed, so fewer controls will be loaded at startup. That said, it sounds like this image is a big problem, although a background image on a TableControl will likely look a bit silly anyway.