File System Watcher on Mac with Bootcamp?

Steve Faust

May 25, 2011
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Programming Experience
I created a VB.NET 4.0 program that uses the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor a file for changes. I have one user who is on a Mac running a Windows virtualization. Here is her description of her setup (p.s. Revit is not my program, mine is suplementary to Revit and works with the keynote file mentioned):

I work on an iMac (Snow Leopard,) and have Revit 2012 installed in a Boot Camp partition of Windows 7, which I then run through a Parallels 6 window. I used to run Revit just through Parallels, sans Boot Camp, but this seems to work better (faster.) I do store my Revit files in the Mac OS, but the keynote file is in Windows 7.

Obviously this is a non-standard setup, but it is causing the FileSystemWatcher to fail. Is anyone familiar with this or know why it's failing or if it can be fixed?


FileSystemWatcher only work with Windows file systems such as FAT32 and NTFS, so if this set up is interacting with Mac file system it will not work.