File System on Target Machine


New member
Aug 11, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi Folks,

I am using VB.NET 1.1 I want to deploy a solution for distrubution on CD. As part of the solution I want some folders to be installed on C:

I have added the folders as Custom Folders under 'File System on Target Machine'. I have set the default location in the Properties Window to [C:]

The solution builds and installs except but the folders do not install anywhere. Clearly I am missing or misunderstaning something. Is there anyone who can help?


AlwaysCreate property defaults to False, in which case the folder is only created if it contains something.
Thanks John,
I have discovered the solution. Instead of [C:] I should have set the default location with the full pathname of the folder without square brackets (or quotes). I was presuming that because I had given the folder a name in the System Folder Editor it just needed to know where to put it. Sometimes I'm a bit dim.

Thanks for your help.

[ROOTDRIVE] is probably useful for you, not all machines have a C: drive.
That's another consideration. Thanks. The machines this is going onto will have but I will remember for future. I'm new to VB. Never tried the other VS applications. Don't know if they're any mor user-friendly.
