File Dates and CurrentCulture


Dec 19, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Programming Experience
How does the CurrentCulture setting affect file dates? Does it affect file dates? Here is the specific situation... I wrote a document management system that stores manufacturing files in Oracle as a BLOB. When inserting the files the date is converted to GMT. My company just bought another company in the UK. Many files where sent to me via thumb drive (FAT32) where the file dates are local to the UK. The files were then copied to a local windows server and the file dates remained the same. The CurrentCulture of the .exe inserting the files is en-US and therefore .Net is automatically subtracting an hour when the file date is in Daylight savings. I was hoping changing the current culture would en-GB would then also change the date in which Daylight savings is set. en-US daylight savings date is not the same as en-EN daylight savings. In short, I would like to maintain en-GB daylight savings time when archiving UK file when the .exe is is running on a local machine where the culture is set to en-US.

Thanks for your time.
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