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- Jan 14, 2015
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Hi there,
I?m new to this board and this is my first post. I?m a beginner in VB .NET and I apologize in advance if I?m raising an stupid question. I searched around the board and Googled it but I probably was unable to use the correct words to find out what I?m looking for. I?m totally new to XML parsing as well...
I have the code below which is supposed to populate a richbox, line by line with the elements and attributes of each <Tool ID> node, which starts with <Tool ID> (Where ID is the 1st attribute I do extract) and ends with </Tool>.
I?m successful extracting the first elements and attributes after the element "<Tool", but for the elements that are within the sub element <Cutter> and <Holder>, I?m struggling to figure out how to move the descendent to "<Cutter>" and next "<Holder>" and extract the elements from there, while keeping the loop looking for each "<Tool" element as a whole new set. The idea is to append lines to the richbox for each new "<Tool"...
Each <Tool> can have more than one <Cutter> or <Holder> inside it... They can have several of each element type in fact...
I think I have to shift "offer" to look into the next sub node (<Cutter>) and next (<Holder>) using something like offer = offer.NextNode but that?s not working...
Can someone point me out in the right direction here or recommend some resource I could learn about how to do it?
Below you can see also the XML code with (<Cutter>) and (<Holder>) sub nodes highlighted.
Many thanks in advance,

Below my XML file:
I?m new to this board and this is my first post. I?m a beginner in VB .NET and I apologize in advance if I?m raising an stupid question. I searched around the board and Googled it but I probably was unable to use the correct words to find out what I?m looking for. I?m totally new to XML parsing as well...
I have the code below which is supposed to populate a richbox, line by line with the elements and attributes of each <Tool ID> node, which starts with <Tool ID> (Where ID is the 1st attribute I do extract) and ends with </Tool>.
I?m successful extracting the first elements and attributes after the element "<Tool", but for the elements that are within the sub element <Cutter> and <Holder>, I?m struggling to figure out how to move the descendent to "<Cutter>" and next "<Holder>" and extract the elements from there, while keeping the loop looking for each "<Tool" element as a whole new set. The idea is to append lines to the richbox for each new "<Tool"...
Each <Tool> can have more than one <Cutter> or <Holder> inside it... They can have several of each element type in fact...
I think I have to shift "offer" to look into the next sub node (<Cutter>) and next (<Holder>) using something like offer = offer.NextNode but that?s not working...
Can someone point me out in the right direction here or recommend some resource I could learn about how to do it?
Below you can see also the XML code with (<Cutter>) and (<Holder>) sub nodes highlighted.
Many thanks in advance,

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Xml.XPath
Public Class Form1
Public Delay As Integer = 500
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim path As String = "C:\Development\File.xml"
Dim doc = XElement.Load(path)
For Each offer As XElement In doc.Descendants("Tool")
If offer.HasElements Then
'* The extraction works fine up to this portion *
'From here on the information is extracted from the sub node "Tool"[/COLOR]
Dim ID = offer.Attribute("ID").Value
Dim Unidades = offer.Attribute("Units").Value
Dim Descricao = offer.Element("Description").Value
Dim Tipo = offer.Element("Type").Value
'* This is where the extraction starts to fail since the elements here are within a sub element named <Cutter> Code *
'From here now the information is extracted from the sub node "Cutter"[/COLOR]
Dim Referencia = offer.Element("Reference").Value
Dim Arquivo = offer.Element("FileName").Value
Dim Grupo = offer.Element("ToolID").Value
Dim Entidade = offer.Element("EntityName").Value
If ID <> Nothing Then
RichTextBox1.AppendText("Tool ID: " & ID.ToString & " | " & "Unidade: " & Unidades & " | " & "Descri??o: " & Descricao & _
" | " & "Tipo: " & Tipo & " | " & "Referencia: " & Entidade & " | " & "Entidade: " & Entidade & " | " & "Arquivo: " & Arquivo & _
" | " & "Grupo: " & Grupo & vbNewLine)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Below my XML file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
[COLOR=#ff0000] <Tool[/COLOR] ID="100003" Units="Millimeter">
[COLOR=#ff0000] <Cutter>[/COLOR]
<Reference ID="12143 - N123G2-0300-0002-GF">
<ToolID>Torneamento - Insertos paramétricos</ToolID>
<EntityName>12143 - N123G2-0300-0002-GF</EntityName>
<Reference ID="12135 - C5-570-32-LF">
<ToolID>Holders & Acessorios</ToolID>
<EntityName>12135 - C5-570-32-LF</EntityName>
<Reference ID="12142 - 570-32L123G18B067A">
<ToolID>Holders & Acessorios</ToolID>
<EntityName>12142 - 570-32L123G18B067A</EntityName>
[COLOR=#ff0000] </Holder>[/COLOR]
<DrivenPoint ID="1">
<DrivenPoint ID="2">
<CutterCompensation ID="1">0.2</CutterCompensation>
<CutterCompensation ID="2">0.2</CutterCompensation>
[COLOR=#ff0000] </Tool>[/COLOR]
<Tool ID="100004" Units="Millimeter">
<Reference ID="12140 - N123G2-0318-0008">
<ToolID>Torneamento - Insertos paramétricos</ToolID>
<EntityName>12140 - N123G2-0318-0008</EntityName>
<Reference ID="12135 - C5-570-32-LF">
<ToolID>Holders & Acessorios</ToolID>
<EntityName>12135 - C5-570-32-LF</EntityName>
<Reference ID="12139 - 570-32L123G18B130A">
<ToolID>Holders & Acessorios</ToolID>
<EntityName>12139 - 570-32L123G18B130A</EntityName>
<DrivenPoint ID="1">
<DrivenPoint ID="2">
<CutterCompensation ID="1">0.8</CutterCompensation>
<CutterCompensation ID="2">0.8</CutterCompensation>