Export Project Data to Primavera MPX & Setting Start Date for Gantt Chart View


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Programming Experience
What is new in this release?

We are happy to announce the release of revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.3.0 . Aspose.Tasks for .NET already supports importing/exporting project data from/to various Primavera formats like Primavera XML and XER formats. This month?s release further enhances this feature of exporting project data to Primavera MPX format, which can be achieved using the SaveFileFormat.MPX enumerator option. This further extends the range of file format support of Aspose.Tasks API. Aspose.Tasks API provides a rich set of options for rendering Gantt chart. This month?s release enhances the capability to set Start date of Gantt chart view while saving the project data back to MPP file format. This can be configured by setting the TimescaleStart property of Prj class to the desired date time. Howeve,r if the saved file is opened in Microsoft Project in maximized window mode, then the timescale start date will not match. The last version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET did have some issues with overall API performance while adding resource assignments. The time taken by the recalculations was significantly larger as compared to the equivalent code execution using Microsoft Interop. This issue has been fixed now and the performance is at par with its equivalent APIs now. This month?s release also includes a number of bug fixes that further ads to the overall improvement of the API. These include issues related to summary tasks, MPP to XML conversion, actual start dates of tasks, and extended attributes. Bellows is the list of new and enhanced features included in this new release.

-Implement reading reccuring tasks data from mpp
-Implement recurring task data writing to mpp
-Option to convert MPP to MPX format
-Implement formula calculation
-Implement evaluation of functions in formulas
-Updating MPP raises ArgumentOutOfRangeException
-Provide option to set start date for GanttChart view while saving as MPP
-Normal tasks become summary task after saving the project by Aspose.Tasks
-MPP to XML issue
-TaskReadingException while loading MPP File
-Low performance of RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter method
-Slow performance with Resource Assignment
-Extended attribute values become combo box after saving MPP file by Aspose.Tasks
-Setting Actual Start of Task doesn't update Summary Task's "Actual Start" field

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Tasks for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Tasks for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Importing and Exporting Project Data to Primavera Format
- Rendering Gantt Chart

Overview: Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Aspose.Tasks is a non-graphical .NET Project management component that enables .NET applications to read, write and manage Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project. With Aspose.Tasks you can read and change tasks, recurring tasks, resources, resource assignments, relations and calendars. Aspose.Tasks is a very mature product that offers stability and flexibility. As with all of the Aspose file management components, Aspose.Tasks works well with both WinForm and WebForm applications.

More about Aspose.Tasks for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Tasks for .NET
- Download Aspose.Tasks for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Tasks for .NET
- Demos of Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - The .NET and Java component publisher
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

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