Export data to Excel or Access


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi there, to get straight to it i've started work at this small charity and they need me to extract the tables and data from an old buggy system and create a new Access system but i'm having trouble extractig the data.

The backend uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000 runtime engine with an MSDE database engine. The frontend however is built with Microsoft VB.Net and the dotnet framework. I'm not sure how this changes things when trying to extract the tables. I've found the folders where SQL-notepad looking files are contained but am not sure what my next step should be. TBH i dont know what version of Microsoft VB.Net framework is used but the system is quite old and was made in 2001. If you haven't noticed from my poor phrasing i'm a bit of a newb when it comes to programming so any help/feedback you can give would be appreciated (even if its just to tell me im out of my depth!).

