Excel application (automated through VB.net) cannot be seen!


New member
Aug 30, 2005
Programming Experience
Hello all,

My ASP.NET application attempts to export data into an Excel workbook using the following code:

Dim excelFileRef As Excel.Application
excelFileRef = New Excel.Application

Dim wbookNew As Excel.Workbook
wbookNew = excelFileRef.Workbooks.Add

'Save Instructions to Excel Workbook
InsertStringInExcel(wbookNew, strInstructions)

'Write data to Excel Workbook
InsertDataInExcel(wbookNew, dtableAnalysis)

excelFileRef.Visible = True

This code works fine on about 2/3 machines. However, when run on one of my client's machine, the Excel sheet does not open up. When I stepped through code here, it worked OK with no errors, except that the Excel application did not pop up when excelFileRef.Visible = True executed! Further, when I checked the processes in Tast manager, there was a new EXCEL.EXE process.

What do I need to do to allow my client to see the Excel application?